If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off... Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!!


Health, happiness, and a little sass from Cassie!

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!! 

Why It’s Time to Break the Food Rules

Why It’s Time to Break the Food Rules

Anyone who’s ever tried to lose weight, and struggled to do it, has asked themselves one question: “What am I doing wrong?” You might assume, as I have, that there’s some set of rules you either don’t know about or aren’t complying with—and THAT must be the reason. So...

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8 Awesome (+ Healthy!) Gift Ideas

8 Awesome (+ Healthy!) Gift Ideas

December, you sneaky rascal, you’re back! And we know what that means...that little voice in the back of our mind is saying, “Hurry! Hurry! You only have a handful of shopping days left and a long list of gifts to give!” And you don’t want to give just any 'ol...

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The Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie

The Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie

In all my years of coaching clients, one of the most common things I hear is: “But, I don’t have time to make a balanced breakfast every morning!” And since breakfast IS the most important meal of the day (for your metabolism, your brain power, and your energy...

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3 Steps to Conquering Your Sugar Cravings

3 Steps to Conquering Your Sugar Cravings

Are you constantly thinking about where you’ll get your next sugar fix, your next “guilty pleasure” or “cheat?” Ever swore you were only going to  “just have one,” and before you know it the entire box is gone? Or—and I know this was one of my big problems—have you...

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The Gospel (aka: The Good News!) About Exercise

The Gospel (aka: The Good News!) About Exercise

What if I told you that you could lose weight by eating more, sleeping more and exercising less? Would you believe me? Or does that sound too good to be true? I get it. It can be hard to comprehend—even for me!—the fact that I’m in the best shape of my life while...

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5 Lessons from 10 Days in the Desert

5 Lessons from 10 Days in the Desert

I just returned from spending 10 days in the desert for an event called Burning Man. Burning Man is a temporary city of 80,000 people living in the desert, and is based on self-reliance (because you need to be prepared in the middle of the desert), self-expression (in...

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3 Reasons You’re Eating Perfectly & STILL Not Losing Weight

3 Reasons You’re Eating Perfectly & STILL Not Losing Weight

Time and time again, my team of Dietitians and I see clients who are seemingly doing everything “right” and aren’t seeing the weight loss they want. I know how frustrating it is to work so hard and not see results on the scale or in the mirror! That’s why we always...

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If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!! 

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PFC Holiday Recipe Guide
Cassie’s 4-Step Model To Build and Scale Your Business, Help More People and Have More Freedom!
Grab Your Copy of The 6 Ways To Grow Email List Guide
7 Ways to Heal Inflammation & Lose the Weight For Good!So you can finally lose weight

(and keep it off!)

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