If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off... Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!!


Health, happiness, and a little sass from Cassie!

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

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That Time I Almost Died (And what you can learn from it!)

That Time I Almost Died (And what you can learn from it!)

Two summers ago, I was taken hostage by unexpected sickness that landed me in the hospital for a week. Out of nowhere. This forced me to reflect on a lot of things in my life…and I’m excited to share these reflections and realizations with you… because I’m pretty sure...

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How to Break Free from Your Food-Obsessed Thoughts

How to Break Free from Your Food-Obsessed Thoughts

When people come to me to lose weight, they aren’t really just trying to lose weight. Whether it’s five pounds or 50, my clients are struggling the most with their thoughts — about food. It’s like they’re in a kind of prison, thinking ALL THE TIME about food. Do you...

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Letting go of your “identity” to be your true self

Letting go of your “identity” to be your true self

It was a moment of truth. Starting with a lot of fear, but quickly followed by a moment of lightness. A moment of freedom. I could feel the stress radiating off of me. My body was so tense that I was gripping my coffee cup in the Santa Barbara café to the point my...

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5 Lessons Learned from Living in Bali

5 Lessons Learned from Living in Bali

There’s so much on my heart from my recent month in Bali. Every trip I take and adventure I go on is unique, but this one was extra special, because it was the complete opposite of what I’d expected, and incredibly challenging for me. I expected this trip to be...

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5 Do’s and Don’ts for Detoxing your body

5 Do’s and Don’ts for Detoxing your body

I am a big fan of detoxing. A good detox gives your body exactly what it needs to heal from sugary, processed and carbohydrate-laden foods. The right detox helps you reach your health, energy and weight loss goals. After a long winter, or any rough stretch in your...

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Facing Your Moment of Truth

Facing Your Moment of Truth

A new client of mine (we’ll call her Judy), came to me crying. Breathing hard, and fighting back tears, she shared what happened to her the day before. She took her toddler to the playground. He wanted to go down the slide, but was afraid to go down alone. Being a...

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My 2-week (mostly) solo Maui Getaway!

My 2-week (mostly) solo Maui Getaway!

Based on numerous requests from you (my loyal followers!) I’ve put together a recap of my 2 weeks in Maui. This is basically a (super thorough!) review of everything: from where I stayed and what I did, to places I ate, what I liked, didn’t like...and more. Before we...

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Why I kissed my dietitian license goodbye

Why I kissed my dietitian license goodbye

The day I earned my certification as a Licensed Dietitian was one of the most important days of my career. I was SO proud: I’d studied hard, followed the rules, and earned the esteemed “L.D.” Becoming a dietitian took a lot of work. In my class, only 50% of the...

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If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

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7 Ways to Heal Inflammation & Lose the Weight For Good!So you can finally lose weight

(and keep it off!)

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