This is the question I get (or will get) from you when you’re ready to make healthy changes… but you aren’t sure where to begin! It can be overwhelming to know where to start, so let me help you by offering:
Six Starting Points:
1) Start with Sleep. It’s pretty obvious that sleep affects your energy level, but did you realize it also regulates your hormones…and those hormones are responsible for your appetite and metabolism? How about your immune system? Ever notice that the times when you feel the most run down have a direct correlation with your inconsistent sleep patterns? Shoot for seven to nine hours of sleep each night and watch what it does to your body and mind.
2) Start with Sustenence. Every morning. Within an hour (preferably 30 minutes) of the time you wake up. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” may be ingrained in your head, and that’s for good reason. Breakfast revs up your metabolism, helps you stay focused, and sets you up for a successful day. Eggs are my #1 recommendation for a healthy breakfast. Cook ’em in a tablespoon of coconut oil, mix in some spinach and serve with a side of avocado and/or sweet potato. If you don’t feel like eggs, then whip up a Balanced Smoothie, make an Egg Bake ahead of time and portion out for the week. No excuses. Just be sure to start with something.
3) Start with Supplements. Supplements are that missing piece of the puzzle many people often overlook, and they can be a very powerful addition to making healthy food choices. When you’re taking high quality supplements , they can be extremely effective—not only in filling in nutrient gaps when you waiver from your healthy eating regimen (because hey, no one is perfect right!?), but also in reducing inflammation, kicking sugar cravings and shedding pounds.
The reality, though is that supplements can be super shady. I recommend either taking high-quality pharmaceutical grade supplements, like the ones in the Real Food Vitamins Store or taking none at all. This is simply due to the fact that most supplements aren’t approved by the FDA, so you could be doing your body a lot more harm than good by ingesting shady substances filled with potentially harmful ingredients. That’s why the products I recommend are only ones that are pharmaceutical-grade which means they are regulated and third party tested, and I wouldn’t take anything else out there. All of us can benefit from starting with the Daily Essentials and adding in specific, targeted supplementation on top of that (that you can discuss with your dietitian coach.)
4) Start with Sugar. Er, ELIMINATION of it. Simply cutting out added sugars and shifting toward real food will dramatically improve your metabolism, energy levels, sleep, focus and likely many more aspects that will improve your day to day life.
If this is a challenge for you (like it was for me—a self-proclaimed sugar addict), you’ll want to grab this free step by step guide for conquering your sugar cravings! In the free download, finally grab your freedom from sugar!
Get my Sugar Craving FREE Guide!
5) Start with Stevia. Not Splenda, not Equal, Not Sweet N’ Low. Not Truvia. Not PureVia. (They’re NOT the same thing.) The only sweetener I’d recommend using is Stevia, which is actually an herb and not one of those aforementioned chemically-laden sweeteners. Try pure Stevia packets or a whole foods powder with added nutrition, like Dynamic Greens. Read more reasons and strategies for getting rid of those nasty sugar substitutes here.
6) Start with Skipping Seconds. I’m talking about portion control. If you’re eating the way I suggest (three balanced meals and three balanced snacks every three hours) then you shouldn’t need seconds at every meal. You shouldn’t be starving at meal time, either. If you are, it means you need to bulk up the snack that comes before the meal you’re extra hungry at.
There are six solid ideas to help get you on track. Next option:
Get on the Fast Track
If you’re serious about losing your weight once and for all, let’s hop on a call and find the program that’s best for you. Go here to answer a few quick questions and apply to our program. Let’s get you accelerating toward your goals today! Wahoo!
What are your thoughts on honey?
Sugar is sugar is sugar. Yes honey does have some nutrients, but I don’t think we should be getting nutrients from sugar. Your body processes it as sugar. (That said, it’s okay to use a little bit from time to time!)