by Cassie | Apr 15, 2013 | Balanced Snacks, Sleep
Despite what you may have heard, it is not only “okay,” but actually VERY IMPORTANT to eat a bedtime snack! The common response to this is, “But I thought we weren’t supposed to eat after (insert time here)?” Let’s unravel this...
by Cassie | Apr 8, 2013 | Balanced Meals, Balanced Snacks, Healthy Changes, Healthy Kids, Hot Topics
Juicing is a hot topic, as many people think it’s a healthy choice to make fresh juice. It’s tasty and delicious. Wanna know why? Because it’s all sugar. Now, before you start getting defensive and putting your argument together about how it’s healthy...
by Cassie | Mar 11, 2013 | Balanced Snacks, Healthy Kids
Now that you’ve heard you should be feeding your kids real foods, what kinds of real foods are actually “kid friendly?” I spend a lot of time putting together realistic meal plans and brainstorming snack ideas for kids to show parents and kids that they don’t...
by Cassie | Feb 6, 2013 | Balanced Meals, Balanced Snacks, Healthy Changes, Start Here, Weight Management, Whole Body Health
Nutrition information is more accessible today than EVER before. Flashy advertisements for new diets promising magical outcomes are on billboards, in magazines, on television and all over the web. Everyone has their own solution to your health problems. In addition to...
by Cassie | Jan 2, 2013 | Balanced Meals, Balanced Snacks, Breakfast, Healthy Kids, Recipes
Eggs are my “gold standard” for breakfast. That being said, I get asked several times on a daily basis for an alternative to eggs. (The reasons are endless: egg aversions, allergies, egg burnout, lack of time, etc.) My first suggestion, of course, is to...
by Cassie | Jun 5, 2012 | Balanced Meals, Balanced Snacks, Breakfast, Healthy Changes, Recipes, What Cassie Eats
As you may already know, I eat eggs for breakfast nearly every day. It does take time to make eggs in the morning—not a lot of time, but we all know how some mornings can be very rushed. Because of this, I like to always have a back-up. I try to make it a priority to...