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My 8 Simple Traveling Tips

My 8 Simple Traveling Tips

Traveling can be a great escape, a time to learn, a chance to grow, and an opportunity to experience new things. It can also be a time of stress, anxiety, and lost bags. One of the most common questions we get asked from clients in coaching appointments is how and...
5 Foods to Skip This Year

5 Foods to Skip This Year

If you’re like thousands of others, you’ve made a resolution that this year you’re going to lose weight, exercise more, or in some other way get healthier. Making and keeping resolutions can be tricky. In this post I’m going to address some popular food items...
Coconut Oil Love

Coconut Oil Love

You know how much I looooove coconut oil, right!? But do you know why? Formerly shunned for its high saturated fat content, people everywhere are embracing this healthy fat by both consuming it and using it topically. It’s even earned “superfood” status by nutrition...
Is PFC Paleo or Low Carb?

Is PFC Paleo or Low Carb?

One question I get all the time is how PFC fits into a Low Carb or Paleo diet. While there are certainly some similarities, the PFC approach provides less rigid guidelines that create a framework for you to make sustainable lifestyle changes. Allow me to explain: The...
6 Ways to Battle a Cold

6 Ways to Battle a Cold

No one likes getting sick, yet it’s something a lot of folks seem to think is inevitable. “Cold and Flu Season” comes around every year and it’s just something we have to deal with, right? Kind of like weight gain is just bound to happen with age to every single...
Getting Cultured on Yogurt

Getting Cultured on Yogurt

There are soooooo many yogurt options out there and you might be wondering how to navigate that section of the dairy aisle like a PFC pro. Questions like “What kind of yogurt should I buy?” “Should I make sure it’s Greek?” “What should I be looking for on the labels?”...
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7 Ways to Heal Inflammation & Lose the Weight For Good!So you can finally lose weight

(and keep it off!)

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