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A Dietitian’s Top Six Tips

A Dietitian’s Top Six Tips

I bet you’ve always wondered what a dietitian would say if she were to give you their top six tips! Dietitian Cassie’s Top 6 Tips: 1) Eliminate (or at least, reduce) processed foods. Boxed, packaged, preserved items. When in doubt, throw it out. Replace...
For the love of EGGS

For the love of EGGS

With a family history of high cholesterol and a total cholesterol number in the 220’s myself, one may be shocked to hear that eggs are my all time favorite source of protein. Many people even think I eat an abnormally high number of eggs, as I go through a few dozen...
Honor Your Heart

Honor Your Heart

This post is dedicated to the health of your heart in honor of February’s “Heart Month.” This topic is close to my heart, as my own father underwent a double bypass surgery a few years ago. Heart health may be one of the most confusing areas in the nutrition realm...
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