If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off... Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!!


Health, happiness, and a little sass from Cassie!

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

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I’m eating real food and not losing weight! (Part 2)

I’m eating real food and not losing weight! (Part 2)

Last month I wrote the post, "I’m eating real food and not losing weight!" where I revealed six common roadblocks to weight loss when following my PFC balanced way of eating. The short list was nowhere near conclusive to what we see with our clients, and in this post...

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Simple Strategies for Smart Supermarket Shopping

Simple Strategies for Smart Supermarket Shopping

Smart grocery shopping is key when transitioning to a new way of eating. The grocery store can be a stressful, agonizing experience if you don’t have some judicious food-selection strategies in place before you get there. If you don’t have a plan of attack, you may be...

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“Unbrainwash” Yourself.

“Unbrainwash” Yourself.

Educating yourself with evidence-based nutrition information and breaking free of the lies you've been told. Reestablishing a healthy relationship with food, and with your body. Learning what works for your body, and that what works for Jack or Jill may not be what...

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Snacking on a banana is…bad for me?

Snacking on a banana is…bad for me?

Many people have a banana as a morning snack, assuming it's a healthy choice; hoping it will hold them over ‘til lunch once the post-breakfast rumbles set in. This is NOT the type of snack I would recommend to anyone who is looking to feel energetic, lose weight...

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Dietitian Cassie on TV: Worst and Best Value Menu Choices

Dietitian Cassie on TV: Worst and Best Value Menu Choices

I made another TV appearance talking about the best and worst fast food choices from the value menu. If you are familiar with my approach to healthy eating, you will know that I am not an advocate for fast food...ever! "Healthy" and "Fast food" are not terms that...

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Low Carb Cruise 2013 Recap

Low Carb Cruise 2013 Recap

Reflecting over the last week on the Low Carb Cruise, I don't even know where to begin. It was filled with new friends and jam packed with information, food, adventures and some strong drinks. 😉 The cruise left from Galveston, Texas and visited Mahogany Bay, Isla...

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I’m eating real food and not losing weight!

I’m eating real food and not losing weight!

So you’ve been trying this “real food” way of eating, and swear you’re following my PFC guidelines to a tee, but you’re not losing weight… what's going on!?!?!? We've heard this question asked in frustration from our clients before and are here to help! The purpose of...

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Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Kids

Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Kids

Fruits and vegetables are a funny thing, because it seems like kids either love them or hate them. Or maybe they love fruits, but not vegetables. Or maybe the other way around. With the recent headlines on the sugar craze in the media, we’re seeing the detrimental...

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A Dietitian’s Top Six Tips

A Dietitian’s Top Six Tips

I bet you’ve always wondered what a dietitian would say if she were to give you their top six tips! Dietitian Cassie's Top 6 Tips: 1) Eliminate (or at least, reduce) processed foods. Boxed, packaged, preserved items. When in doubt, throw it out. Replace processed...

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If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

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PFC Holiday Recipe Guide
Cassie’s 4-Step Model To Build and Scale Your Business, Help More People and Have More Freedom!
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7 Ways to Heal Inflammation & Lose the Weight For Good!So you can finally lose weight

(and keep it off!)

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