it already.
put it through hell at the gym—sometimes twice a day—and STILL can’t lose weight.
It’s not because they aren’t trying hard enough.
There are a few times when your weight
bothers you the most:
Clothes shopping.
Despite the endless amount of clothes in your closet, you’re going between three outfits because most of them don’t fit—most painfully, your favorite dress. You’re putting off shopping because you’re dreading buying the next size up and those dressing room lights are NOT very kind..
Meals with your friends.
Simply put, your relationship with food is in need of repair. Going out to lunch with your friends is supposed to be fun, but food has never been like that for you. All you can think about is calories and how you don’t want to count them …or gain any more weight.
Taking Photographs.
You cringe when people post photos of you because you don’t like how you look. You’ve even stopped putting on makeup or wearing anything other than sweatpants because you figure, “what’s the point?”
….Even with the help of a doctor or dietitian in the past who told you to count calories or limit grams of fat—and didn’t look at the whole picture.
….Even after investing in every “new and improved” fad diet.
You’re ready for something different. You’re ready for something sustainable. You’re ready for real, lasting change.
Believe it! This time it really can be different.
I know what you’ve been through. I used to believe 50% exercise + 50% nutrition = weight loss. They even taught that in my dietitian school! My body wasn’t nicer back then, and it wasn’t as healthy.
It was continually inflamed and bloated from my high sugar consumption—the result of following a low-fat diet.

Today, I eat more calories and fat than ever before and I exercise less.
Since I learned the truth, my body has everything it needs to give me crystal clear focus, positive moods and glowing skin, hair and nails. I am at my healthiest weight and I have more energy than I did ten years ago.
I actually LOST weight from eating more.
I know it may sound counterintuitive at first, but all of my clients who follow our coaching program experience this, too. Even the “tough” cases, even people in their 40’s and 50’s
We get them slimmed down, balanced, and excited about their life again—and we can make that happen for you too!
Life is meant to be lived to the fullest.
It is supposed to be FUN!
A life when you are less stressed, more energetic than you have been in years, and thrilled to get dressed in the morning because you fit back into your favorite clothes!
A life where you lose the weight once and for all and it never comes back.
A life where you can eat all your favorite foods and still lose weight.
Yes, this is possible!
There’s so much more to weight loss than just FOOD.
We WERE taught that only eating 1000
calories will make you lose weight.
(This is far from the truth!)
The most current scientific data proves that metabolism
DOESN’T work that way.
Losing weight for good is not about
deprivation or restriction.
Most weight loss information comes from dusty, outdated textbooks or has been flat-out disproven by scientific studies.
Everything we’ve been taught says that food is the enemy, and a calorie is just a calorie. It isn’t that simple.
The truth is:
What we now know is that what you eat directly impacts your body’s ability to function, to potentially reduce inflammation, and can help you lose weight.
When you eat real food, your body works for you. Your metabolism runs better, hunger and cravings subside and weight loss happens automatically—without restriction and deprivation.
What you’re experiencing is common, but not normal. The truth is you haven’t been given the right information and the advice you’ve followed hasn’t been personalized to you. And THAT’S why your weight won’t budge or stay off for good…NOT because there’s something wrong with you…
You’ve just been given the wrong tools.
How to break the pattern of shame and self-blame so you can experience MAJOR shifts and bump up your happiness dramatically!
How to boost your metabolism and burn fat in your sleep…all while eating healthy, delicious food that was previously off-limits!
Our personalized approach goes deeper than anything you’ve tried before.
This time it’s personal!
Our approach is different than any other because it is 100% customized to YOU.
You don’t have to figure out a single thing.
We guide you to restore your figure, your confidence, your health, and most importantly, your love and zest for life!
•You get your very own dedicated dietitian coach who guides you—especially
when you are struggling or feel like you’re about to slip.
•You get two appointments each month with your dietitian coach for complete support (Yes, we’ll even talk about emotions!) alongside manageable action steps designed for your unique situation and your unique body.
•You get a portfolio and plan developed by your dietitian coach just for you, including a personal health assessment, a full analysis of your current eating, exercise and supplement regimen, and meal plans designed just for YOU…with portion sizes, recipes and everything you need to succeed, tailored to your needs, preferences, lifestyle and goals.
•You get access to our community group and entire team, too.
With access to your personal dietitian coach AND our entire team outside of your appointments, you have the best chance for success!
I’ve helped thousands who are done with dieting—in person, on television, podcasts, telesummits with the best in the industry, and through my book, Why Am I Still Fat? The Hidden Keys to Unlocking That Stubborn Weight Loss.
Science, Not Band-Aids
This program is based on current, evidence-based nutrition. Using scientifically-backed programs, we teach you how real food can transform your mind and body. You’ll learn how to lose the weight once and for all and it never comes back like it did on past diets. That’s because we heal from the inside out, addressing the root cause vs. slapping a big ‘ol band-aid on the problem. You’ll learn the best strategies to balance out all the systems in your body, based on studies and science, not superstition or myth.
Hello Butter, Hello Bacon!
We address the root cause of why you keep gaining weight, or gain it back after short term “success.” This approach makes sense, using real food and healthy fat. Goodbye forever, 100 calorie snack packs. Make way for delicious foods, jam-packed with nutrients. You won’t find bland food that makes you feel like you’re being punished while everyone else gets to eat the good stuff. You get to eat your favorite foods all while shedding pounds.
Get YOU Back
Often times you don’t realize how MUCH it’s weighing on you until that weight gets released. The extra weight—even just 5 pounds—is a symptom of other things in your body that aren’t working right. Like how your energy is so low, you’re basically running on fumes. Or your secret “digestion issues?” Low libido? Acne or other skin problems? Your sleep problems? Everything is connected. You’ll be surprised when the things you are used to putting up with suddenly right themselves when you know what to do.
“Within just a couple of days of starting Cassie’s coaching program, I had more energy than I ever had, and just 2 weeks in I dropped 6 pounds! For the first time in my adult life I’ve dropped a pants size! My coach was there for me every step of the way and I can’t say enough about how this coaching program has improved my life. It’s not even about the weight anymore, it’s about doing the best thing that I can for my body.”
Let’s get on the phone.
Since this program is all about you, we start right away with a Kickstart Call to answer all your questions and get on the fastest and most effective path.
If it’s the perfect fit, we’ll pair you with the perfect dietitian coach who will be your GPS, ensuring that you don’t get off course or make expensive and frustrating mistakes that set back your progress.
Apply to our Program and start today!
When you fill out the application, you’ll answer a few key questions that will help me understand your needs and goals. Then pick out a time that works for you right then and there!
Before you do something drastic like go out and buy a whole new wardrobe in the next size up, apply to our program and set up your Kickstart Call now.
What People Are Saying
Go ahead, click it!
You’ll start feeling better just knowing help is on its way!
This isn’t a factory approach where we’re just trying to get you in and get you out. You’ll feel happy and energized throughout
the process (and re-inspired about all you can do now that you’ve got your life back!)—instead of deprivedand
dragging like you have with every other quick-fix diet.
Ready for your days of “Diets That Don’t Work” to be over?
Set up your first call!
Is it worth it if I only have 10 or so pounds to lose?
Can I expect anything other than weight loss?
Are you going to give me a list of things I can’t eat anymore?
Are you going to give me a plan?
How are you different from other dietitians?
Am I going to be that person at a party who can’t eat anything there?
What if my doctor is not on board with this?
Do you accept insurance?
What kind of payment plans to do you offer?
What is the $99 application fee for?
I’ve already invested in so many things. How do I know THIS will work?
How do I get started?
What People Are Saying
“I lost 70 pounds in a healthy, comfortable way with Cassie’s coaching program. Since adopting this way of eating, I no longer feel deprived and instead, have been given freedom and I cannot be more thankful for that!”
“The best part is that even though I wasn’t perfect, I saw results! I feel great, lost weight and have better focus and more energy for workouts! I’m never hungry and get to eat foods that I LOVE (like fat!) Cassie’s coaching program kept me on track, and it’s such a relief to get away from counting calories.”
“Weight loss seemed so complicated. I saw Cassie on television and everything she said made sense to me. After beginning Cassie’s coaching program, I lost 10 pounds almost immediately. In about 7 months, I lost 40 pounds! It’s not hard, and I feel better. I look better. I eat better. I don’t feel deprived at ALL. If you’re thinking that she might be able to help you and that what she’s saying makes sense… she can, and it does. If I can do it, so can you.“
“After trying several times to lose weight, I finally admitted to myself that I could not do it alone. And boy am I glad, I did! This investment I made a year ago is one of the best decisions I have ever made because it has changed my life.
I’ve lost 40 pounds (!!!) , but that’s not the best part. I got off diabetes medication, my bloating disappeared, plus my skin is clear and glowing. Because of all of these wins, my self confidence skyrocketed and I started dating! I treated myself to an entire new wardrobe that I LOVE. All of the hard works pays off when a salesperson brings you a pair of pants in a size you never thought you could wear and it fits! My energy levels and happiness are off the charts !
I wish I could describe in words how happy I am now. I have the tools and confidence to navigate holidays, special occasions, eating out, travel and everyday life. The number on the scale is one thing, but how I feel and the increase in self-confidence is worth so much more! Thank you, thank you, Cassie’s team for helping me become the person I always knew I could be! This past year of working with my dietitian coach has been nothing short of amazing. “