A common question I get is “Is it possible to eat healthy on a budget?” I bring you good news: YES, eating healthful on a budget IS doable and it’s not that hard. My goal with this was to give you some ideas for keeping it real (REAL food), keeping it SIMPLE (real food and short ingredients lists) and keeping it inexpensive.
Just remember, PFC (Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate) for balanced meals and snacks! No need to count calories (I HATE CALORIES) — just don’t eat your banana alone 🙂
Great post Cassie…..it help all of us out there always thinking we have an excuse…yet with a little guidance we can stay on track for healthy living….keep up the great blog posts!
This is the best nutritional information I’ve seen presented on TV so far. The truth about high quality fat, cholesterol, and calorie-counting need to go mainstream.
Avocado in smoothies… you bet ya!
RAW! or you can do a couple cooked eggs on the side 🙂