As a Registered Dietitian, I get a lot of appalled looks when I reveal that I attend the State Fair not only one, but five, six or seven full days each year. I’ve even had people tell me they are surprised I attend the fair at all… since I’m a dietitian. Some won’t even step foot onto the Fairgrounds due to fear of deviating from their diet plan. Sadly, I have observed that the fair’s reputation for unhealthy food is holding people back from experiencing everything else it has to offer. Since the Fair has earned a (rightful) reputation for serving foods that are extremely high calorie and high fat, I am writing as a fellow fair-goer, who, maybe like you, has also needed to strategize ways to overcome multiple fair food temptations. So whether you have verbally expressed your curiosity or remained silent, consider this my reply to all of you who are wondering if it is possible to go to the State Fair, enjoy your favorite foods and not gain the extra pounds.
My Top 5 State Fair Nutrition Tips:
Expand and space out your choices. One reason why I love going to the state fair several times is that I’m able to spread out my favorite foods, not feeling the need to have them all in one day. I enjoy having a couple standard (a.k.a. unhealthy) foods each time, while branching out and mixing in some healthier options too, which usually end up just as delicious and filling: double win!)
Split it. Not only does sharing allow you to try more foods, but it cuts in half the cost and the damage.
Eat protein. If you don’t make it a point to eat good sources of protein at the fair, you’ll likely crave everything you see (and smell!). Many fair foods are primarily carbohydrates and the more carbs you eat, the more you’ll crave. Be sure to seek out good sources of protein to keep you feeling full longer. Some quality protein finds at the fair include:
- Pulled turkey sandwiches at Turkey-to-Go. (East side of Clough between Judson and Carnes.)
- Select Crepes at the French Creperie: The Breakfast Crepe has scrambled eggs, cheese, ham or bacon. I’ve also had the Mushroom & Swiss. Eggs are your best source of protein, so try the breakfast one in the morning. (Carnes Ave. & Underwood St.)
- Walleye Cakes from Giggles Campfire & Grill. Also new is Salad-On-a-Stick, with mozzarella cheese, grape tomatoes and dressing served over chilled wild rice. (Cooper St. & Lee Ave. in The North Woods.)
- Shrimp Cocktail for $1.00 at the Lemonade & Shrimp Cocktail stand. A solid 10 grams or so of protein— a good “bang for your buck”! (Southeast corner of Judson and Underwood.)
- Grilled Shrimp-on-a-Stick and Scallops-On-a-Stick at Fish & Chips Seafood Shoppes. (Two locations: Food Building and Liggett St. & Carnes Ave.)
Plan your day around anything but the food! As I mentioned earlier, I love the food— but I also love the free shows, the people watching and touring of the buildings. When you get to the fair, grab a map and flyer of the shows and events going on that day, and start planning. It’s okay to have a few foods in mind that you’d like to eat, but aim to not make the food the focus of your Fair day. (Note: I do make it a point to make my first stop somewhere that offers one of the high protein options mentioned above so that I’m not craving everything in sight.)
Listen to your body. One of the main reasons people over-consume at the fair is due to “Mindless Eating.” This is the eating that occurs while walking and talking — and being served on a stick doesn’t make this any easier. Try to space out your eats and sit down and relax while eating slowly and savoring every bite. Be in tune with your body and try to recognize if you are full. Before you grab that last Sweet Martha’s out of the pail, evaluate how you feel.
Moderation can include a “blow-up day” here or there, but it doesn’t need to be a complete failure. So, confidently venture out to The Great Minnesota Get-Together to see sights, people and shows! And while you’re there, enjoy your favorite classic foods, and a few new ones too. See you at the fair!
Now I know you want a boosted metabolism, not just as the fair, but today, tomorrow and all the days after. So grab my BEST tips to BOOST your metabolism by clicking the pink button below!