One question I get all the time is how PFC fits into a Low Carb or Paleo diet. While there are certainly some similarities, the PFC approach provides less rigid guidelines that create a framework for you to make sustainable lifestyle changes. Allow me to explain:
The letters P, F, and C stand for the three “macronutrient” categories that every food falls into: protein, fat, and carbohydrate. The foundation of my PFC approach is eating real, whole foods, consuming all three macros together and in balance. This is the best way to support your metabolism and, by extension, your waistline)!.
Protein boosts your metabolism every single time you eat it, so you want to eat it throughout the day. Healthy fat keeps your blood sugar stable and causes your body to release a turbo-fat-burning hormone, boosting your metabolism. Carbs (specifically from veggies and fruit) supply you with sustained energy, especially when you eat them with your protein and fat! When you follow the PFC way of eating, you will feel like the best version of yourself, vibrant, confident, energetic, focused and balanced!
The PFC approach certainly can be Paleo and/or Low Carb, it just doesn’t need to be, nor is it specifically intended to fall into either camp. It’s completely about finding what works for YOU!
What do you mean PFC can be Low Carb?
Well, it depends on how you define a “low carb” diet. There are varying ideas and opinions on how many grams constitutes low carb based on who you speak to. PFC can be considered low carbohydrate, and probably is when compared to most diets — especially the high-carb and low-fat SAD (Standard American Diet) (that we’ve been taught to follow for years!). Since the PFC approach includes just fruits and vegetables as carbohydrate sources, it inherently will be lower in carbohydrates than a diet that includes lots of breads and grains.
Unlike popular low carb diets that include processed packaged products with artificial sweeteners, the PFC approach is focused on real, whole foods without long ingredient labels. My PFC balanced approach is just that: balanced (not high-carb or low-fat). That said, we do find that some of our clients feel better and reach their weight loss goals quicker when keeping their carbohydrate intake extremely low, while other people need to include more carbs to accomplish their health goals. Like everything, it’s different for everyone, and with our PFC method, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all, cookie cutter approach. So, while PFC is not low carb by nature, it can be.
What do you mean PFC can be Paleo?
The Paleo diet, modeled around eating like our ancestors, focuses on real, whole foods— like meat, fish, eggs, nuts, coconut oil,seeds, fruits and veggies. It focuses on eating a variety of these foods without restricting (i.e no calorie counting!) and keeps foods like bread, grains, legumes and dairy completely off limits.
Like the Paleo diet, the PFC approach focuses on real, whole foods while removing inflammatory foods like bread, pasta and grains that can interfere with optimal digestion, energy levels and vitality.
Unlike the Paleo approach, we make it a top priority to focus on the individual. You might not need to eliminate specific foods or food groups like legumes and dairy (these are not necessarily essential foods, but if you can tolerate them, we say they can fit in). But if a food sensitivity is causing inflammation and stalling your weight loss, we can work with you to remove that from your diet, as well. The PFC approach is not one-size-fits-all —it is tailored to YOU.
Perhaps the biggest difference between the PFC approach and the Paleo Diet is the emphasis on timing. It’s not just about eating the correct foods that our ancestors ate, but when you eat those foods (or don’t) plays a huge role in how your metabolism functions and how your brain and body work, too. “PFC Every Three” is the term I coined referring to eating a combination of the three “macros” every 3-4 hours, starting within an hour of waking up, until your head hits the pillow at night. This keeps your blood sugar levels balanced which is the KEY to everything from awesome energy levels, positive moods, improved mental clarity, supported metabolism, and vanished sugar cravings..
We start with the PFC template and then adapt as we go. Our mantra really is “keep it simple” and that’s what we do with our PFC approach, and we see it working, healing and empowering our clients, our families and our friends every single day.
If you’re ready for a change, learn more about our personal coaching program and book a Kickstart Call to get your questions answered and find the program that will get you on the fastest and most effective path to your skinnier self.
You don’t have to figure out a single thing. We guide you to restore your figure, your confidence, your health, and most importantly, your love and zest for life! Learn more here.
Is a Paleo diet healthy for your body?
I recommend a PFC approach, which individualizes based on needs and goals. That said, my approach has many similarities with the Paleo template.