As the days pass, the time is nearing when I’ll be boarding the cruise ship in Galvastan, Texas for an exciting week with a bunch of my favorite people! This year, I’ll be a keynote speaker on the 2013 Low Carb Cruise, alongside some of my favorites from the nutrition realm:
First, there is Robb Wolf, author of the New York Times bestselling book The Paleo Solution and co-host of the #2 ranked Fitness & Nutrition Health podcast called The Paleolithic Solution. Next is Diane Sanfilippo, one of the leading women in the Paleo movement and author of the New York Times bestselling book Practical Paleo. Then, there is Dr. Dwight Lundell, one of the first cardiac surgeons to step out and talk about what really causes heart disease (I constantly share this article with skeptics!) and Drs. Jayson and Mira Calton, two experts in the field, who are such a joy to listen to on podcasts and their newest book Rich Food, Poor Food is a huge hit. Next is Jonathan Bailor, who I’ve had the chance to meet via his podcast, and is the mastermind behind The Calorie Myth, and of course, Tom Naughton, the man behind the hit documentary film, Fat Head. I’ve only exchanged words with him via email, but I can’t wait to meet him in real life. And of course, (save the best for last?!) Jimmy Moore (my awesome on Low Carb Conversations!). We are going to have SO much fun.
Whew! Can you see why I’m excited? I’ll be the only Registered Dietitian speaking on the cruise, and I’m really looking forward to representing my profession as an RD who teaches a real food, evidence-based research message despite the conventional wisdom approaches I was taught in my schooling. Bon Voyage!