by Cassie | Mar 15, 2012 | Holiday Eating
Celebrate Saint Patrick’s day with green foods full of nutrients and antioxidants! Here are five foods and one superfood formula that will make you feel GREAT and their color will even make you feel IRISH! (Hint: None of them combine the words Shake or...
by Cassie | Nov 22, 2011 | Holiday Eating
We all find ourselves struggling to stay on track nutritionally at one point or another during these holiday months. It’s normal to have a meal, a day, a week or even a few months where you fall into an unhealthy rut. For many, this seems to happen during the holiday...
by Cassie | Oct 31, 2011 | Holiday Eating
It’s that time of year again: Dieters have anxiety from being surrounded by temptation at every angle—the overly-advertised candy sales at every store near you, the “fun-sized” pieces of candy begging to be eaten from the free-for-all dish at the adjacent cubicle, and...