If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off... Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!!


Health, happiness, and a little sass from Cassie!

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!! 

My First Marathon [10-02-11]

My First Marathon [10-02-11]

I’ve always heard that running a marathon is an experience that cannot be put into words. And here I am trying to gather all of my emotions, thoughts and reflections and translate them into something tangible, actual and real—words that will mean something to someone....

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Confronting the Coffee Controversy

Confronting the Coffee Controversy

There’s so much contradictory information out there on coffee that you may be hesitant to celebrate National Coffee Day. Consider me your personal investigator; sit back with your cup o’ Joe and allow me to give you my concise, research-based opinion. There are so...

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Sticking to your Diet Plan at the Fair: Is it Possible?

Sticking to your Diet Plan at the Fair: Is it Possible?

As a Registered Dietitian, I get a lot of appalled looks when I reveal that I attend the State Fair not only one, but five, six or seven full days each year. I’ve even had people tell me they are surprised I attend the fair at all... since I’m a dietitian. Some won’t...

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If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

Join Me In This FREE Masterclass!! 

Grab Your 12 Tools Guide Now
PFC Holiday Recipe Guide
Cassie’s 4-Step Model To Build and Scale Your Business, Help More People and Have More Freedom!
Grab Your Copy of The 6 Ways To Grow Email List Guide
7 Ways to Heal Inflammation & Lose the Weight For Good!So you can finally lose weight

(and keep it off!)

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I'm so excited to share more with you and the chance to speak to your community. This speaking kit will give you an overview of what to expect and what next steps will look like. Simply tell us where to send it, and we'll get it over to you right away!