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Health, happiness, and a little sass from Cassie!

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

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Sleep More to Shed Pounds

Sleep More to Shed Pounds

"How are you sleeping at night?" You may be surprised to hear that this is one of the first questions I ask clients at their initial appointment. But the fact of the matter is that over half of adults struggle with insomnia, and the average American gets 6 hours and...

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Back to the Basics [Nutrition 101]

Back to the Basics [Nutrition 101]

Nutrition information is more accessible today than EVER before. Flashy advertisements for new diets promising magical outcomes are on billboards, in magazines, on television and all over the web. Everyone has their own solution to your health problems. In addition to...

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Honor Your Heart

Honor Your Heart

This post is dedicated to the health of your heart in honor of February’s “Heart Month.” This topic is close to my heart, as my own father underwent a double bypass surgery a few years ago. Heart health may be one of the most confusing areas in the nutrition realm...

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5 Big FAT Changes

5 Big FAT Changes

You may have read, The Big FAT Lie, and now know the importance of eating fat for weight loss, blood sugar stability, disease prevention, mental focus and overall health and energy. This post is intended to give you some practical, simple ways to start incorporating...

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The Big FAT Lie

The Big FAT Lie

Is fat making me fat?  Ever since the late 1970s, we've been obsessed with low fat foods. The media is still supporting this message through its marketing of “low-fat,” “lite,” “fat-free,” and the one I love to hate the most, “skinny” products. We are still being...

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Break Your Fast (adults and kids!)

Break Your Fast (adults and kids!)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That's a common phrase we've all heard, and for good reason. The word “breakfast” literally breaks down into two words: “Break” and “Fast,” because breakfast is the meal that *breaks* your overnight *fast.* After...

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Where to Start?

Where to Start?

This is the question I get (or will get) from you when you're ready to make healthy changes... but you aren’t sure where to begin! It can be overwhelming to know where to start, so let me help you by offering: Six Starting Points: 1) Start with Sleep. It's pretty...

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Balanced Smoothie

Balanced Smoothie

Eggs are my "gold standard" for breakfast. That being said, I get asked several times on a daily basis for an alternative to eggs. (The reasons are endless: egg aversions, allergies, egg burnout, lack of time, etc.) My first suggestion, of course, is to try to make...

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5 Tips for Keeping Your 2013 Resolutions

5 Tips for Keeping Your 2013 Resolutions

Making our resolutions are certainly easier than keeping them. The hype and enthusiasm for becoming healthier always seems to die out after the first month or two of the new year. Don’t let that happen to you this year. These five suggestions will help you set goals...

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5 Common “Dieting” Mistakes

5 Common “Dieting” Mistakes

The other day, one of my Twitter followers asked me, “What is the #1 nutrition mistake you see people making?” I answered with the first thing that came to my mind, but the question has lingered ever since! It got me thinking of several common traps people fall into...

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If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and keep it off...

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7 Ways to Heal Inflammation & Lose the Weight For Good!So you can finally lose weight

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