PFC Balanced Eating Part 3B: FAQ
You had so many excellent questions after PFC Balanced Eating: Parts 1 and 2 that I split PFC Balanced Eating Part 3 into 2 parts: Part 3A FAQ and now I bring to you, Part 3B FAQ! PFC FAQ's: Are protein powders real food? Yes and no. While I don’t consider protein...
PFC Balanced Eating Part 3A: FAQ
You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers! Here’s a list of the most common questions you asked me after PFC Balanced Eating: Parts 1 and 2. PFC FAQ's: Is PFC a low carbohydrate diet? Not necessarily. Eating balanced PFC leaves plenty of room for healthy carbs like...
Top 5 Heart Healthy Foods TV Segment
Heart health is one of the most confusing topics in the nutrition realm and it's one close to my heart since my own father had a scare and underwent a double bypass surgery a few years ago. For years, many doctors and dietitians preached the “eat less fat, less...
PFC Balanced Eating Part 2: The Components
Now that you know the foundation of the PFC balanced way of eating from What is PFC?, you’re probably wondering… what do I eat!? Why!? And how much? The In's and Out's of Your P's, F's and C's: Protein: The rundown: When you think of protein, think of meat, fish and...
PFC Balanced Eating Part 1: What is PFC?
Whether you’ve been following me for a day or a year, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve coined the acronym PFC to refer to the way I believe most of us should be eating. This post is to give you a clear understanding of what PFC means, how following my simple PFC...
Healthy Eating Panel on Channel 5
It's only the end of January and according to, half of the people who made the resolution to eat healthy and lose weight have already given up...! I was asked to be part of a healthy eating panel on Twin Cities Live to offer suggestions for where to start...
No More Marathons… For Now.
Over the past three years I've trained for and completed four marathons. I was first drawn to the sport because of my love for running and my eagerness to push myself farther than I had ever been before. Running a marathon seemed like a great opportunity to push my...
5 Foods to Heal Your Body
On New Year's Day I was on air with my top five foods to HEAL your body from the inside out. The reality is, this time of year there’s a lot of advertising for detox programs, pills and potions with empty promises of weight loss. But when all is said and done, MANY...
Detox with Real Food
So it’s January and you’re ready for a fresh start. You went more than a little overboard during the holiday season and like the New Year, the word “detox” brings thoughts and images of fresh, clean and healthy to mind. The question is: Which detox program is right...
Bulletproof Plan for Achieving Your 2014 Resolutions
I have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s Resolutions. I love the idea of a fresh start and setting new goals. Regardless of how much we failed to diligently stick to our plans last year, the New Year brings new opportunities, a chance for change and the hope of...