Many go to the state fair to splurge but I still think it’s possible to eat somewhat balanced while eating fair food! I didn’t think anyone would be too excited to see me go on air talking about fresh fruit at the state fair (although there are many delicious fresh fruit options! Those Colorado peaches and the mango on a stick — to DIE for!) In this segment I did for Twin Cities Live, I show you some of my favorite SPLURGES (the fair only comes once a year!). Video below and check out my previous state fair themed post for my strategies for being healthy at the state fair and some of my favorite healthier fair foods HERE.
Wow Cassie… so awesome, and so good for you! Way to be an expert and help change people’s minds about what is “good!”
Way to go! Those are perfect examples of fun foods, but still PFC! You did some good scouring of all the options and found ones that the majority of people can and will enjoy. Again, it makes me wish I could be there this year. Nice work. Now, how about something for dessert? 😉