You’ve been fed the wrong “rules” of dieting for TOO long. 


Everything You’ve Ever Needed (and Wanted) to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way That LASTS!

You’ve been fed the wrong “rules” of dieting for TOO long. 


Everything You’ve Ever Needed (and Wanted) to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way That LASTS!

You’ve been fed the wrong “rules” of dieting for TOO long.


Everything You’ve Ever Needed (and Wanted) to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way... That LASTS!

Community, Expertise, Accountability, Support, Information, Masterclasses, Materials

—All in One Place—

Let me guess...

You've tried everything to lose weight.

You've followed the diets (ALL the diets).

You've ran, lifted weights, and yoga-ed yourself silly.

You've read the blogs of people with "perfect" bodies and seemingly perfect lives.

You've saved all the recipes.

You've COOKED all the recipes (even the ones your partner grumbled over).

You've blended hundreds (maybe thousands) of shakes and smoothies.

You've followed all the rules.

And it still didn't work.

And now you've grown skeptical and you've developed "dietitis." People who have been on every diet in the past suffer from this... maybe you do too!  

Let me guess...

You've tried everything to lose weight.

You've followed the diets (ALL the diets).

You've ran, lifted weights, and yoga-ed yourself silly.

You've read the blogs of people with "perfect" bodies and seemingly perfect lives.

You've saved all the recipes.

You've COOKED all the recipes (even the ones your partner grumbled over).

You've blended hundreds (maybe thousands) of shakes and smoothies.

You've followed all the rules.

And it still didn't work.

And now you've grown skeptical and you've developed "dietitis." People who have been on every diet in the past suffer from this... maybe you do too!  

Maybe it’s time we BREAK the “rules”?

The problem is – you've been fed the wrong information.

The rules of dieting you've been given are faulty, outdated, and can actually cause you to keep (and even gain!) the weight you've been working so hard to lose.

The truth is – science has actually disproven so many of those old so-called rules that many people STILL believe to be true! Even weight loss industry “experts” still haven’t caught up to this, because they are looking at and referencing OLD material and studies.

It’s time to get with the times and benefit from everything that modern science is teaching us about losing weight.

Keep in mind, there is a BIG difference between what replicable scientific studies are concluding and trend diets. Trend diets are clickbait headlines. That is why the guidelines you’ve been following haven’t been working.

In order to lose weight and KEEP it off, you need a program that fits YOU — your lifestyle, budget, and preferences. You need a team that can fit the right diet to you — not forcing you to fit a diet.

You need to identify what pieces are missing, and a plan that you can actually stick to!

And to do that....

You need the right information, a reasonable timeline that isn’t daunting, and a community at your side the entire way.

And you need the courage to break away from the old rules you've been hearing your entire life.

Now is the time. 

The problem is – you've been fed the wrong information.

The rules of dieting you've been given are faulty, outdated, and can actually cause you to keep (and even gain!) the weight you've been working so hard to lose.

The truth is – science has actually disproven so many of those old so-called rules that many people STILL believe to be true! Even weight loss industry “experts” still haven’t caught up to this, because they are looking at and referencing OLD material and studies.

It’s time to get with the times and benefit from everything that modern science is teaching us about losing weight.

Keep in mind, there is a BIG difference between what replicable scientific studies are concluding and trend diets. Trend diets are clickbait headlines. That is why the guidelines you’ve been following haven’t been working.

In order to lose weight and KEEP it off, you need a program that fits YOU — your lifestyle, budget, and preferences. You need a team that can fit the right diet to you — not forcing you to fit a diet.

You need to identify what pieces are missing, and a plan that you can actually stick to!

And to do that....

You need the right information, a reasonable timeline that isn’t daunting, and a community at your side the entire way.

And you need the courage to break away from the old rules you've been hearing your entire life.

Now is the time. 

Introducing... Cassie's 

Rule Breakers Program

How to breakaway from the old dieting "rules" – and finally lose the weight for good. 

Introducing... Cassie's 

Rule Breakers Program

How to breakaway from the old dieting "rules" – and finally lose the weight for good. 

In the Rule Breakers program, you get the exact weight-loss strategies we have used with our clients for the past 10 years that have helped them finally shed the extra pounds – and KEEP them off for good.  

Now is the time to make a BIGGER change, and see BIGGER results to get a BIGGER impact!  

Cassie wanted a program that more people could participate in. She wanted this life-changing knowledge to be accessible to everyone, so that it can change YOUR life, too.

So she created Rule Breakers, to help people like you who have been consistently let down by cookie-cutter, short-cut-infused, trends in the diet and weight loss industry.

Not only is this program the only way to get access to ALL of the information and materials from Cassie's $10,000 private coaching program, but it is designed to give you the education you need to finally reach your goals! 

  • NO more deprivation! 
  • No more guess work. 
  • No more self-doubt. 
  • No more loneliness in your journey.
  • No more dieting sprints that only lead to inevitable binges.

Enough is enough. Now is your time to break free, by breaking the “rules.” 

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Click Here to Get Started with Rule Breakers!

Welcome to a Lifestyle that helps you LIVE

So many diets and weight loss plans focus on food, and food alone. It’s true, food is important, and we’ll be sure to eat it (and we’re talking butter and other healthy fats, meat, and a range of delicious stuff that will keep you fueled, satisfied, and wanting for nothing)...

But it's not just about food.

You can exercise as much as you want and go on all the diets but never lose weight if you're not addressing critical aspects your body needs. During our program, we will cover these overlooked and oh-so-important aspects of your weightloss journey. (Making this the most comprehensive — yet easy to implement — program out there!)


We can’t talk about weight loss without talking about hormones. Inside your body, these biochemicals can rev up your metabolism or slow it down to a standstill. We’ll show you simple and easy ways to get them working for you in perfect alignment.

Gut Health

It may not be pretty, but your gut is your powerhouse for healthy weight loss and a healthy life. How your body is metabolizing (or failing to metabolize) your food is obviously an aspect we cannot overlook when talking about your weight loss goals. We will make sure you have a happy, healthy gut … which leads to having exponentially more energy, and easier weight loss!


When we think about weight loss, we mostly just think about muscles and fat. But there is one body part that is really running the show when it comes to your weight loss success, and it’s your Thyroid. Simply put, your thyroid affects EVERYTHING. You will learn how this “master of your metabolism” is calling the shots, and we will make sure that it’s working FOR you, not against you.


Did you know that some of you best fat-burning activity happens during your sleep? And yet, most people struggle with sleeping through the night or falling asleep at all. Your diet plays a role in how well you sleep – which actually plays a role in your food choices, which again impacts your sleep! So, we will make sure that you are getting all the benefits of a good night’s sleep, while your waistline shrinks.

Meal Planning

One of the biggest struggles people have with dieting is meal planning. This is when you are trying to make your food fit your lifestyle. That’s why you’ll love it when our team and our successful clients will be sharing their favorite meal planning hacks! Plus, with our program, meal planning is so much easier than the other complicated programs out there! Oh, and we don't subscribe to restrictive meal plans. This is more about HOW to plan your meals, including all the delicious, decadent foods the "old rules" told you to avoid.

Healing Sugar Addiction

Many people struggle with some form of sugar addiction. We'll help you learn how to fight sugar and carb cravings AND still be able to enjoy dessert if you want to (yes — it’s possible!). The key is to address the biochemical imbalances causing cravings in the first place so that your decision to satisfy your sweet tooth is a choice, not a compulsion. With our system, you will be able to bust those cravings and stay consistent (and happy!) on our plan.


While this is not a required part of the program, the right type of exercise can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight quicker. Besides, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle! One of the biggest benefits of exercise is that it helps your body dump out stress that has been building up (and stress is a huge factor in stubborn fat sticking to your body). Don’t worry! We won’t be prescribing you 2 hours worth of daily workouts. Quite the opposite! We’ve actually discovered that through our program, less is more when it comes to workouts. And you’ll learn how to get the most fat-burning benefits in the shortest amount of time with short, fun, and totally optional ideas for workouts.


If there were a big, bad, boogey-man of weight loss, it would be stress. Stress makes you pack on the pounds! The sad irony of this is that most people find their diet and daily food choices at the top of their stress triggers. And stress can literally cause weight gain – independent of your nutrition – because it triggers your stress-hormone (cortisol), which raises your blood sugars, which causes your fat-storing hormone (insulin) to be released… all just because you're stressed out. Then, add "stress-eating" on top of that and we find ourselves packing on pounds as if we're eating at McDonald's all day long…! Whew! No thanks! That’s why we help teach some powerful and simple stress management tactics, along with our non-stress-inducing diet program.

Plus, other topics, like metabolism, blood sugar, holiday eating, snacking, cholesterol, and so many more!

As you can see, with all of these moving pieces, it’s important to take a "big picture" approach, considering ALL of these game-changing factors. 

Rachel P. from Minnesota

"I lost 30 pounds!"  

“In less than a year, I lost 30 pounds! I used to hide behind baggy sweaters and bulky clothes. Now I no longer count a single calorie, I enjoy butter and heavy cream with every meal and I don’t even have to work out.  

Never did I believe I would be in control of my weight, my cravings, and my happiness. This is what freedom feels like.”  

- Rachel P. from Minnesota 

Arline Litchfield

"Now I know how to navigate my future."  

"Within a month or two, I saw the kind of results I had not seen previously on my Paleo/Primal eating journey: complete disappearance of sugar cravings, reduction in unhealthy carb cravings, reduction of PMS symptoms, less bloating, and mood stability!

I can't even begin to describe the differences in my life that last improvements have made! My body feels healthier and more capable overall, with the added bonus of kicking butt during my Army training and Crossfit workouts! Working with Cassie and her team has given me a health & nutrition toolbox that I didn't have before, and now I know how to navigate my future. Thank you!"  

- Arline L. from Wisconsin

"A fulfilled, healthy, and happy lifestyle."

"When I started the program I said, “I know what I need to do and eat to be healthy, I just need somebody to hold me accountable.” I was wrong. My whole life, I subscribed to the low-fat, low-calorie, diet-this and that lifestyle. I blamed MYSELF when I was hungry, deprived, frustrated or overate. I didn’t realize it wasn’t me; it was the food I was eating, until my coaching with Cassie.  

I finally hit a breaking point – I felt defeated and out of ideas and that’s when I joined. I can truly say I’m refreshed. Nutrition isn’t something that defeats me anymore, and my image isn’t something I spend hours worrying about. This isn’t a temporary program, or a one-time fix. It’s a learning experience that results in a fulfilled, healthy, and happy lifestyle."

- Kath R. from Minnesota

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Click Here to Get Started with Rule Breakers!

Here's how it works...

Rule Breakers is an online weight loss program. THIS IS NOT A DIET. This is a course that helps you with the LIFESTYLE changes you need to lose your unwanted weight, and KEEP IT OFF. Each module is designed to help you with easy-to-implement weekly tasks, one building on another. We don’t ask you to make drastic changes during this course. Instead, we help you build healthy habits. Learn at your own pace with Cassie’s amazing modules, worksheets, and action items that guide you through your SUCCESSFUL weight loss journey. Finally, reach the finish line by BREAKING THE RULES! 😀

When you join you get:

Access to the Rule Breakers Course Portal and Training Modules

Immediate access to the 12-Week Rule Breakers Course. Inside you’ll get 12 information-packed modules. Each module includes a video lesson, a transcription of the lesson, worksheets, and exercises. When you join the course, you also get access to Cassie’s masterclasses! During the live masterclasses with a dietitian you can hear advice and strategies focused on topics including hormones, gut health, exercise, emotional eating strategies, meal planning, heart health, sugar addiction, life balance hacks, and many more!

The 12 Weekly Modules Include:

Module 1: How LASTING Weight Loss Works

  • Overview of Weight Loss Coaching Model - Video
  • All modules include video transcriptions + a quiz!

Module 2: Introduction to PFC

  • Introduction to PFC - Video
  • PFC vs. Other Popular Diets - Masterclass
  • PFC: What to Eat - Video
  • What About Gluten - Video
  • PFC Launch Kit Guide

Module 3: Metabolism

  • Metabolism - Video
  • 5.5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism - Guide
  • 15 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workouts - Guide

Module 4: Inflammation and Gut Health

  • Inflammation - Video
  • Gut Health and Inflammation - Masterclass

Module 5: Sugar Cravings and Addiction

  • The Real Reason You Get Sugar Cravings - Video
  • Fighting Sugar Cravings with Food - Video
  • Fighting Sugar Cravings with Supplements - Video
  • End Sugar Cravings for Easier Weight Loss with Marcie Peters - Video
  • 12 Steps to Overcoming Sugar Addiction - Guide

Module 6: Exercise

  • Exercise Overview - Video
  • Exercise Nutrition Overview - Video
  • Pre-Workout Nutrition - Video
  • Mid-Workout Nutrition - Video
  • Post-Workout Nutrition - Video
  • Supplements for Exercise - Video
  • Exercise Masterclass - Video
  • Nutrition and Supplementation for Exercise - Guide

Module 7: Hormones

  • Hormones - Video
  • Hormones - Masterclass
  • Hormone Webinar - Video
  • Hormone Balancing Supplements - Guide

Module 8: Supplements

  • Supplements - Video
  • The Perfect Vitamins for Weight Loss - Guide
  • Your Personalized Supplement Blueprint

Module 9: Mindset

  • Mindset Masterclass - Video
  • Lifestyle Hacks Masterclass
  • The Perfect Morning Routine - Guide

Module 10: The Missing Pieces

  • Thyroid Masterclass
  • Food Sensitivities Masterclass
  • Grocery Store Gameplan - Guide
  • Stress Masterclass
  • Managing Stress - Guide
  • Sleep Masterclass
  • Sleeping Soundly - Guide

Module 11: Additional Resources

  • Holiday Survival Crash Course - Video 1
  • Holiday Survival Crash Course - Video 2
  • Chronic Lyme Disease Summit - Video
  • Mastering Blood Sugar Podcast with Dr. Brian Mowll
  • One Life Radio - Diabetes Discussion
  • Stop Dieting and Start Losing Weight with Kerry Tepedino

Module 12: Next Steps

  • In this module, we discuss the next steps after the 12-week course!

In addition to the knowledge-packed trainings, content-rich guides and exclusive masterclasses, you get...

Weight Loss Guides

I've compiled my best downloadable guides featuring easy to implement weight loss tips and strategies. These guides cover topics including: sugar addiction, metabolism, stress, supplements, meal planning and grocery shopping, exercise, hormones, and sleep! 

Guides included in the program:

PFC Launch Kit

Metabolism Boosting Guide

12 Steps to Overcoming Sugar Addiction

15 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workouts

Guide to Hormone Balancing Supplements

Guide to Nutrition and Supplementation for Exercise

Grocery Store Gameplan

The Woman's Guide to the Perfect Vitamins for Weight Loss

Guide to Managing Stress

Guide to Sleeping Soundly

You ALSO get...!!!

Transcriptions of All Masterclasses

Learn how you want to learn! Watch our training videos OR read the transcriptions. Print them out, jot down your notes, or read them on your tablet! 

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Here's how it works...

Rule Breakers is an online weight loss program. THIS IS NOT A DIET. This is a course that helps you with the LIFESTYLE changes you need to lose your unwanted weight, and KEEP IT OFF. Each module is designed to help you with easy-to-implement weekly tasks, one building on another. We don’t ask you to make drastic changes during this course. Instead, we help you build healthy habits. Learn at your own pace with Cassie’s amazing modules, worksheets, and action items that guide you through your SUCCESSFUL weight loss journey. Finally, reach the finish line by BREAKING THE RULES! 😀

When you join you get:

Access to the Rule Breakers Course Portal and Training Modules

Immediate access to the 12-Week Rule Breakers Course. Inside you’ll get 12 information-packed modules. Each module includes a video lesson, a transcription of the lesson, worksheets, and exercises. When you join the course, you also get access to Cassie’s masterclasses! During the live masterclasses with a dietitian you can hear advice and strategies focused on topics including hormones, gut health, exercise, emotional eating strategies, meal planning, heart health, sugar addiction, life balance hacks, and many more!

The 12 Weekly Modules Include:

Module 1: How LASTING Weight Loss Works 

  • Overview of Weight Loss Coaching Model - Video
  • All modules include video transcriptions + a quiz!

Module 2: Introduction to PFC

  • Introduction to PFC - Video
  • PFC vs. Other Popular Diets - Masterclass
  • PFC: What to Eat - Video
  • What About Gluten - Video
  • PFC Launch Kit Guide

Module 3: Metabolism

  • Metabolism - Video
  • 5.5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism - Guide
  • 15 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workouts - Guide

Module 4: Inflammation and Gut Health

  • Inflammation - Video
  • Gut Health and Inflammation - Masterclass

Module 5: Sugar Cravings and Addiction

  • The Real Reason You Get Sugar Cravings - Video
  • Fighting Sugar Cravings with Food - Video
  • Fighting Sugar Cravings with Supplements - Video
  • End Sugar Cravings for Easier Weight Loss with Marcie Peters - Video
  • 12 Steps to Overcoming Sugar Addiction - Guide

Module 6: Exercise

  • Exercise Overview - Video
  • Exercise Nutrition Overview - Video
  • Pre-Workout Nutrition - Video
  • Mid-Workout Nutrition - Video
  • Post-Workout Nutrition - Video
  • Supplements for Exercise - Video
  • Exercise Masterclass - Video
  • Nutrition and Supplementation for Exercise - Guide

Module 7: Hormones

  • Hormones - Video
  • Hormones - Masterclass
  • Hormone Webinar - Video
  • Hormone Balancing Supplements - Guide

Module 8: Supplements

  • Supplements - Video
  • The Perfect Vitamins for Weight Loss - Guide
  • Your Personalized Supplement Blueprint

Module 9: Mindset

  • Mindset Masterclass - Video
  • Lifestyle Hacks Masterclass
  • The Perfect Morning Routine - Guide

Module 10: The Missing Pieces

  • Thyroid Masterclass
  • Food Sensitivities Masterclass
  • Grocery Store Gameplan - Guide
  • Stress Masterclass
  • Managing Stress - Guide
  • Sleep Masterclass
  • Sleeping Soundly - Guide

Module 11: Additional Resources

  • Holiday Survival Crash Course - Video 1
  • Holiday Survival Crash Course - Video 2
  • Chronic Lyme Disease Summit - Video
  • Mastering Blood Sugar Podcast with Dr. Brian Mowll
  • One Life Radio - Diabetes Discussion
  • Stop Dieting and Start Losing Weight with Kerry Tepedino

Module 12: Next Steps

  • In this module, we discuss the next steps after the 12-week course!

In addition to the knowledge-packed trainings, content-rich guides and exclusive masterclasses, you get...

Weight Loss Guides

I've compiled my best downloadable guides featuring easy to implement weight loss tips and strategies. These guides cover topics including: sugar addiction, metabolism, stress, supplements, meal planning and grocery shopping, exercise, hormones, and sleep! 

Guides included in the program:

PFC Launch Kit

Metabolism Boosting Guide

12 Steps to Overcoming Sugar Addiction

15 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workouts

Guide to Hormone Balancing Supplements

Guide to Nutrition and Supplementation for Exercise

Grocery Store Gameplan

The Woman's Guide to the Perfect Vitamins for Weight Loss

Guide to Managing Stress

Guide to Sleeping Soundly

You ALSO get...!!!

Transcriptions of All Masterclasses

Learn how you want to learn! Watch our training videos OR read the transcriptions. Print them out, jot down your notes, or read them on your tablet! 

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Jackie S., MD from Pennsylvania

"I'm IN CONTROL of my eating!"  

“Within ONE month of following Cassie's program, I’d lost 8 pounds and felt IN CONTROL of my eating. Several months later, my weight loss journey continues!”  

- Jackie S., MD from Pennsylvania 

Jessica B., RD, LD/N

"Brings me to tears!"  

"The power of Cassie’s community group is phenomenal. In the first Q&A video that I watched, I could feel Cassie’s genuine support and care. Once I logged in and saw everyone's posts and support, I felt so re-assured that I CAN do THIS. 😀

I feel emotional, cheesy, and THRILLED that I've found the right place. There is such a feeling of belonging that it's bringing me to tears! This is the program and community that I have been longing for.”  

- Jessica B., RD, LD/N from Florida

Sarah C from Minnesota

"I've lost 30 POUNDS and counting!"

“Cassie’s program is THE BEST. After trying numerous different diets and seeing no long-term success, I finally discovered WHY. Thanks to this program, I have made a true lifestyle change and as a result have lost 30 POUNDS and counting!  

This way makes so much more sense than ANY other nutrition professional or program I have encountered and best of all: it’s realistic. Better yet: it WORKS!"

- Sarah C. from Minnesota

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Why Our Program Works When Others Fail 

We designed this program after guiding thousands of private clients through our methodology to lose weight and keep it off —in a healthy and effective way, through a real food approach while comprehensively taking into account every system of your body.  

This whole-body approach is essential, and we’ve fine tuned our weight loss protocol to give you results you want: weight that drops and STAYS off, without the damage and side effects that a lot of diets and programs cause.

Rule Breakers is different because:

We get to the root cause and help you uncover your missing puzzle pieces. Most diets are just slapping a big ol' band-aid on the problem. Our approach teaches you how to heal from the inside out, in a transformative life-changing way. We show you the root causes of why you keep gaining weight, or gain it back after short term "success." 

The missing puzzle elements we uncover and address are CRUCIAL facors in weight loss that most diet plans NEVER even mention. There's so much more to losing weight than just the food you eat and how much you move — and you need to get every part right for you to shed the pounds and KEEP them off. 

You won’t be hungry. That’s why you stopped past programs, right? You were tired of being hungry AND tired of limiting the food you ate? Good news: Our approach isn’t like that. In fact, quite the opposite. You’ll feel nourished and satisfied — not deprived! You won’t be hungry. (And if you are, then you’ll get to eat!) This can be a difficult concept to grasp since most weight loss and nutrition programs are based on restriction. 

We’ve found that it’s important to fuel your body with enough food and calories so it can feed your metabolism to shed pounds. AND, you’ll be eating the BEST foods. As in, butter and bacon. :) Our way of eating often feels like indulging, but really, it’s about eating real foods—including healthy fats—to support your metabolism, brain and waistline. 

You won’t starve, feel deprived or be cranky! You don’t have to, the buzzkill at the restaurant who is on the special “diet.” You don’t even have to drink green smoothies or do yoga! You still get to be YOU. No calorie counting. No restricting. We are not going to make a list of forbidden foods that you love and condemn you to a life of deprivation!

We’re making this a lifestyle… not a quick fix, so your results will LAST. We all celebrate when you see your ideal number on the scale or on the measuring tape, but that doesn’t mean that the work is over. 

Making sure that you build the habits to SUSTAIN your new, happy, healthy body is our top priority. The strategies we cover in this program are designed for the REAL WORLD! Think of how many ups and downs we all go through within a year! Emotional highs and lows, stress at work, the change of seasons, the holidays, birthdays, marriages, breakups, … all of your toughest times. THAT’S when pretty much every other diet crumbles. It can’t stand up to the realities of the real world. This program is DESIGNED for the real world!

Our methodology is based on current, evidence-based nutrition. It’s time to get with the times and benefit from everything that modern science is teaching us about losing weight. There is a BIG difference between trend diets and what replicable scientific studies are concluding. Using scientifically-backed programs, we teach you how to transform your mind and body.

We’re Registered Dietitians who understand the ins and outs of the body and the weight loss process better than anyone. And we’re not just any old (calorie-cutting, low-fat promoting) dietitians. What makes us different from more traditional RDs is that we have challenged the system that has been largely funded by the food industry. We’re not in the pocket of any manufacturers and we know our craft and our science well. We know what works. We are qualified to be your leaders through this specific program. We support you through the process with our expert advice and by answering your questions as you go through the successful program we’ve created.

Why Our Program Works When Others Fail 

We designed this program after guiding thousands of private clients through our methodology to lose weight and keep it off —in a healthy and effective way, through a real food approach while comprehensively taking into account every system of your body.  

This whole-body approach is essential, and we’ve fine tuned our weight loss protocol to give you results you want: weight that drops and STAYS off, without the damage and side effects that a lot of diets and programs cause.

Rule Breakers is different because:

We get to the root cause and help you uncover your missing puzzle pieces. Most diets are just slapping a big ol' band-aid on the problem. Our approach teaches you how to heal from the inside out, in a transformative life-changing way. We show you the root causes of why you keep gaining weight, or gain it back after short term "success."  

The missing puzzle elements we uncover and address are CRUCIAL facors in weight loss that most diet plans NEVER even mention. There's so much more to losing weight than just the food you eat and how much you move — and you need to get every part right for you to shed the pounds and KEEP them off.

You won’t be hungry. That’s why you stopped past programs, right? You were tired of being hungry AND tired of limiting the food you ate? Good news: Our approach isn’t like that. In fact, quite the opposite. You’ll feel nourished and satisfied — not deprived! You won’t be hungry. (And if you are, then you’ll get to eat!) This can be a difficult concept to grasp since most weight loss and nutrition programs are based on restriction.  

We’ve found that it’s important to fuel your body with enough food and calories so it can feed your metabolism to shed pounds. AND, you’ll be eating the BEST foods. As in, butter and bacon. :) Our way of eating often feels like indulging, but really, it’s about eating real foods—including healthy fats—to support your metabolism, brain and waistline.  

You won’t starve, feel deprived or be cranky! You don’t have to, the buzzkill at the restaurant who is on the special “diet.” You don’t even have to drink green smoothies or do yoga! You still get to be YOU. No calorie counting. No restricting. We are not going to make a list of forbidden foods that you love and condemn you to a life of deprivation!

We’re making this a lifestyle… not a quick fix, so your results will LAST. We all celebrate when you see your ideal number on the scale or on the measuring tape, but that doesn’t mean that the work is over.  

Making sure that you build the habits to SUSTAIN your new, happy, healthy body is our top priority. The strategies we cover in this program are designed for the REAL WORLD! Think of how many ups and downs we all go through within a year! Emotional highs and lows, stress at work, the change of seasons, the holidays, birthdays, marriages, breakups, … all of your toughest times. THAT’S when pretty much every other diet crumbles. It can’t stand up to the realities of the real world. This program is DESIGNED for the real world!

Our methodology is based on current, evidence-based nutrition. It’s time to get with the times and benefit from everything that modern science is teaching us about losing weight. There is a BIG difference between trend diets and what replicable scientific studies are concluding. Using scientifically-backed programs, we teach you how to transform your mind and body.

We’re Registered Dietitians who understand the ins and outs of the body and the weight loss process better than anyone. And we’re not just any old (calorie-cutting, low-fat promoting) dietitians. What makes us different from more traditional RDs is that we have challenged the system that has been largely funded by the food industry. We’re not in the pocket of any manufacturers and we know our craft and our science well. We know what works. We are qualified to be your leaders through this specific program. We support you through the process with our expert advice and by answering your questions as you go through the successful program we’ve created.

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Nicole N. from Minnesota

"20 pounds in 6 months!"  

“No matter how much I exercised, I could not shed my extra weight. With Cassie's approach, I lost 20 pounds in 6 months and feel more energetic and stronger!”  

- Nicole N. from Minnesota

Chelsea B. from Indiana

"I'm never hungry and eat foods I LOVE!"  

"The best part is that even though I wasn’t perfect, I saw results! I feel great, lost weight and have better focus and more energy for workouts! I’m never hungry and get to eat foods that I LOVE (like fat!) Cassie’s program kept me on track, and it’s such a relief to get away from counting calories.”  

- Chelsea B. from Indiana 

Jean B. from Minnesota

"Just 2 weeks in, I dropped 6 pounds!"

“Within just a couple of days of starting Cassie's program, I had more energy than I ever had, and just 2 weeks in I dropped 6 pounds! For the first time in my adult life I’ve dropped a pants size!

I can’t say enough about how this has improved my life. It’s not even about the weight anymore, it’s about doing the best thing that I can for my body.”

- Jean B. from Minnesota

"From size 16 to size 8!"

“The Cassie coaching program has changed my life! I have been a serial dieter, a sugar-addict, and an emotional eater. My weight would constantly yo-yo up and down.  

This has been one of the greatest things I have ever done for myself! Within just a few months, my digestion became more normal, my energy sky-rocketed, and I was looking and feeling great. I went from a size 16 to a size 8. I feel incredible! I'm wearing clothes that haven't fit in years! Now most of my wardrobe is too big! Implementing the strategies I have learned from Cassie's team is allowing me to continue my success for the rest of my life.”

- Sarah S. from North Carolina

Amy Barnett

"I felt like myself again."

“I started Cassie’s program hoping for weight loss, but found so much more. It makes meal planning and healthy eating so easy. Eating this way, along with supplements, right off the bat I noticed a reduction in sugar cravings. My GI issues were gone! I felt like myself again. My energy levels got better, people notice my skin looking better, and I can handle stress better.  

The BIGGEST thing that has come from all of this is I developed a much healthier relationship with food. Deciding to do this program is the best decision I could have made!”

- Amy B. from Minnesota

$2,497 - Now Only $297!


Yes. It will work if you work it. It may be hard to believe since you've likely done a lot of programs that have failed you, but this one won't. Our program is highly effective. You will receive all of the information you need, and if you implement the strategies, you'll get results.

It's different for everyone. It depends on your body, where you're currently at, and how dedicated you are. We go more in depth on this in one of the first modules in the course.

Overall, we're confident to say that in as little as a week or two, you will experience radical shifts in your energy, sleeping patterns, moods, libido, and overall happiness levels. Some people will lose weight in that time frame too, and for others, the pounds may melt off gradually over time.

The real question here is: How are those few pounds affecting your life? You don't need to have 50 lbs to lose to feel uncomfortable in your clothes--and your skin. It doesn't matter how much you think you need to lose. If you don't feel like your best self, then it's worth addressing, period. While some women who go through this course have a lot of weight to lose, many of the people we work with have anywhere from 5 to 15 extra pounds--there's no amount that's too much or too little for us to tackle. The reason why is because any extra weight is a symptom, a sign of an imbalance that deserves to be addressed. Whether you have a lot of weight to lose, or you just want to fit into your favorite jeans again, there is nothing superficial about it. Plus, your goal isn't just about losing the weight -- you want to learn how to keep it off! You don't want to have to keep coming back to a "diet" every few months. So, learning how to maintain your ideal weight while still living your balanced life is also at the heart of this program.

As soon as you sign up! We'll send you your log-in to where all of the modules, content, exercises and worksheets live so that you can get started right away!

Don't! You may be tempted to start making changes or eating better before starting, but we'd encourage you to dive right in.

No need to keep trying to figure it all out on your own for a moment longer -- besides, you may be surprised at the information you learn. It may be different than what you think you should be doing (after all, what you've done so far hasn't worked so well, right?)

Our program is strategically structured and will take you through a carefully designed system for healing your metabolism, mindset and getting you right on the fast track to get results the quickest way possible.

One of the best things is that you can do the entire program from your home, at your own pace (with very little time commitment). We recommend that you plan for at least one hour a week to go through a module and do an exercise, to keep you on track.

YES! Whether you are vegetarian, vegan, paleo, gluten-free, etc, Rule Breakers can absolutely work for you.

The way we teach you to eat is naturally gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free, and is overall very favorable to those with special dietary needs. We make it easy to customize and offer food recommendations that are in line with your needs and preferences.

While we do encourage animal proteins because of their metabolism-boosting effects, we've worked with many vegetarians and vegans alike, who see great success by replacing those will their favorite protein replacements.

If anything, this program is beneficial! Our program is about getting your body in balance, feeding you real, whole foods that are good for both Mom and Baby. So it actually helps with pregnancies and breastfeeding.

The BEST foods. As in, butter and bacon. :) Our way of eating often feels like indulging, but really, it's about including real foods, including healthy fats to support your metabolism, brain and waistline. You won't starve, feel deprived or be cranky -- at least not from the food! You don't have to be the weird one, the buzzkill, that person at the restaurant, the one on the special "diet." You don't even have to drink green smoothies or do yoga. You still get to be YOU. And you can break all the dieting rules. :)

Some foods might seem "special" if they're not already part of your regular grocery haul (like avocados or bacon), but we won't ask you to buy any pre-packaged or weird foods.

Nope. No calorie counting. No restricting. We are not going to make a list of forbidden foods that you love and condemn you to a life of deprivation! This isn't about detox, cleanse or removing foods permanently.

What we are going to do is replace the foods that make you feel lousy with ones that make you feel great -- and we don't mean putting you on a diet consisting of green smoothies. We're talking butter and other healthy fats, meat, and a range of delicious stuff that will keep you fueled, satisfied, and wanting for nothing. And the extra amazing thing is that you don't need to be anywhere near "perfect." If you happen to go off the plan, it's easy to hop right back on, and with minimal negative consequences.

Nope! You won't be hungry. (And if you are, then you'll get to eat!) But we can tell you, you'll feel nourished and satisfied -- not deprived!

This can be a difficult concept to grasp since most weight loss and nutrition programs are based on restriction. Our program isn't like that. In fact, quite the opposite. We've found that it's critical that you are fueling your body with enough food and calories so that it can feed your metabolism and shed pounds.

This is not a medical program and should not be taken as medical advice. It is a whole-foods based program with natural supplementation focused on getting all systems of your body working as they should.

While clients have reported normalized blood sugar, eliminated allergies, healthy weight loss and a dramatic reduction of various symptoms including reducing their dependency on medications, these are simply side effects of getting your body back in balance.

We also suggest that before making any major changes to your health-care plans (including medication dosage) you should consult your medical practitioner.

Often our clients will find that their results on our program are so dramatic, that not even their doctors can believe it! Rest assured that as Registered Dietitians, we rely on evidence-based strategies, not theory or trend.

Ah yes. We've heard this before, too. It's easy to believe that, after having tried so many diets and programs that didn't work, that YOU are to blame. That you're broken, flawed, an outlier, a lost cause. But none of that is true.

Chances are, most of those other programs lacked the critical components, like the right information and big-picture approach! So you'll see, ours doesn't depend on willpower or deprivation to work. Quite the opposite. There's a reason we've seen thousands of client success stories, and it's because we know how to help you. Together, we will transform your body and your life in ways that surprise you.

Jill P. from Michigan

"I lost 70 pounds!"  

“I lost 70 pounds in a healthy, comfortable way with Cassie's program. Since adopting this way of eating, I no longer feel deprived and instead, have been given freedom and I cannot be more thankful for that!”

- Jill P. from Michigan

Wendy G. from Minnesota

"My pants are loose and I have more energy than ever!"  

“I always struggled with cravings and feeling deprived on every diet. Cassie's program has curbed my cravings and resulted in weight loss. I don’t focus on the scale anymore but rather how I feel and how my clothes fit (my pants are loose and I’m using a belt again!!). And, I have more energy than ever!”  

- Wendy G. from Minnesota

Cheryl P. from Tennessee

"Lowered my cholesterol about 25 points!"

“Because of Cassie's program, I lost over 20 pounds and lowered my cholesterol count about 25 points!  

I learned how to shop and am able to smile and say “No Thank You” when offered sweets….a true miracle!” 

- Cheryl P. from Tennessee

Megan S. from Minnesota

"I lost 10 pounds immediately, and 40 pounds in 7 months!"

“Weight loss seemed so complicated. I saw Cassie on television and everything she said made sense to me. After beginning her program, I lost 10 pounds almost immediately. In about 7 months, I lost 40 pounds!  

It’s not hard, and I feel better. I look better. I eat better. I don’t feel deprived at ALL. If you’re thinking that she might be able to help you and that what she’s saying makes sense… she can, and it does. If I can do it, so can you.”

- Megan S. from Minnesota

My hope for you is that you experience not only weight loss – but an entire transformation in your life.

Because lasting health and vibrant energy is about so much more than weight loss.

Once the pounds come off (and stay off), you realize you're capable of anything. :)

You’ll discover more confidence, better moods, more energy, more focus, better relationships, and a greater appetite for enjoying life to the fullest.

The people we’ve worked with lose weight, yes — but more importantly, they step into areas of their life, opportunities and experiences that they never thought were possible!

Prepare for a major mindset shift about how you view your body and your life after you reach your goals, not just for weight loss, but in every area of your life.

And we'll see you in Rule Breakers. :)

$2,497 - Now Only $297!

Leslie s. from Minnesota

"I am so thankful!"  

“I am THRILLED at the results of my recent blood work after 4 months of being in Cassie’s program! My total cholesterol is down 48 points, my triglycerides are down nearly 100 points and my Hemoglobin A1C has gone down from 6.1 to 5.8! Just additional proof that the info we are given is junk! I am so thankful to have found Cassie and to have embraced the concepts of her program!"

- Leslie S. from Minnesota

Stephanie F from Virginia

"The process was SO pain-free!!"  

“I was most definitely addicted to sugar and was terrified to give it up. Today, I am so pleased to say that my sugar addiction is NON-EXISTENT and the process was SO pain-free to my utter astonishment!!!  

Within the first 2 weeks my cravings had all but DISAPPEARED!!! My eating habits have been COMPLETELY transformed. My body is finally able to perform the way it is meant to and I credit it all to Cassie’s program. There is no way that I could have accomplished what I have without this program!!"  

- Stephanie F. from Virginia

"Cassie's program is simply the BEST!"

“As a self-proclaimed weight ‘yo-yoer’, my weight was always a daily struggle, and so was my mindset around food. What sets Cassie’s program apart from all the other dietitians and health professionals is the shift in the way you think.  

If you are wondering if it makes sense to join, I have to emphasize that there is no one greater to work with on your weight, eating and lifestyle habits. Cassie’s approach is simply the BEST! Cassie and her program have taught me such a plethora of healthy habits and because of it, I am positive I will remain healthy now and forever."  

- Brittany B. from Minnesota

Molly D from Minnesota


After my first two weeks, I lost 7 pounds effortlessly — NEVER feeling hungry or deprived!!  

I hit a plateau about 4-5 months postpartum, even though I was exercising regularly and eating what I thought was a healthy balanced diet. That’s when I found Cassie’s program which allowed me to successfully reach my pre-pregnancy weight and continue to maintain it with ease. The insight and guidance has given me the power and freedom to enjoy food without stressing and worrying about counting calories or points. It’s terrifying to start eating instead of restricting — especially full fat food, but it WORKS and I’ve never been happier and healthier since following this program!!"

- Molly D. from Minnesota

$2,497 - Now Only $297!