10-Day Reset:
The 10-Day Reset is a reboot that helps your body reset, clear out toxins, clean the slate and get you back on track so that you can see results, and FAST. Includes all of the supplements and protein powder that you need for your Reset, a step-by-step Reset Manual including a complete plan on what to eat each day, and the full support of my team and me! Choose your Reset program below and get access to the entire 10-Day Reset!
10-Day Reset Manual: A full-colored complete, step-by-step plan of what to eat each day, including delicious meals and snacks. (No starving on this detox!)
The Main 5 Supplements:
PLUS Fruits & Greens Redefined
The Basic Reset is a great starting point for getting more energy!
Regular Price: $697
10-Day Reset Manual: A full-colored complete, step-by-step plan of what to eat each day, including delicious meals and snacks. (No starving on this detox!)
The Main 5 Supplements:
PLUS Fruits & Greens Redefined
The Premium Reset has everything you need to make your way through the detox and get fantastic results!
PLUS The Premium Reset Contains These Additional Supplements:
Regular Price: $827
Time and time again, my team of Dietitians and I see clients who are seemingly doing everything “right” and aren’t seeing the weight loss they want.
I know how frustrating it is to work so hard and not see results on the scale or in the mirror!
That’s why we always look deeper — beyond just food, calories, and exercise — into the commonly overlooked factors.
And that’s when we discovered one of the biggest things that keeps getting in the way...
Our environment is full of pollutants and toxins.
They inhabit things we touch, eat, drink and breathe. All day. Every day.
Under normal circumstances, our bodies would be well equipped to filter out these harmful chemicals.
But when we have nutrient-deficient diets that include heavily processed foods, our bodies’ natural processes can’t handle the high volume of exposure. Over time, the result is that some of these substances accumulate in our tissue and can lead to headaches, pain, digestive distress, disease and stubborn weight that won’t come off.
To address all of these things, we created a step-by-step reset program that’s doable (it’s only ten days!) and trustworthy (we’re dietitians and we’ve put 1000s of clients through this program over the years!) and natural and based on real food (like everything here at Cassie.net!).
Who is this program for?
This program is for you if you are motivated to get back on track, have pounds to shed, are so over feeling frazzled and scatter-brained and are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!
This reset program will help turn around your downward spiral of feeling defeated, fatigued and heavy to an upward spiral of energy, positivity and vibrant health.
If You’ve Ever Said:
“I’ve invested in every diet on the planet. I’ve lost weight over and over but I always gain it all back.”
“I have tried about a hundred different diets in my life.”
"I don’t want another quick fix that doesn’t last. I want real change.”
“I am looking for a long term "diet" plan that doesn't limit me.”
“I used to be an active person. Now I don’t have energy.”
...Then You’ll Love This 10-Day Reset...
Who is this program not for?
This program is not for you if you are resistant to making changes, you are looking for a quick fix or you’re a genius at coming up with excuses when you try something new.
And, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, underweight, have high blood pressure or are elderly, we would not recommend this reset (or any other type of detox).
If you’re on prescription medication, please check with your doctor first, because pushing the detox pathways can push the medication out, too. If you have a medical condition and aren’t certain how the reset could affect it or you, again we recommend checking with your doctor before beginning the program.
If You Want to:
...Then This Reset Is Right For You!
Detox Powder Redefined:
This is your protein powder through your reset and was formulated to support your detoxification in a balanced, healthy way by promoting toxin elimination.
Detox Redefined:
Detox Redefined is a key supplement for you reset because is supports your liver, which is primarily responsible for the detoxification process.
Probiotic Redefined:
Probiotics are live bacteria that are essential for good digestion and gut health during your reset.
Glutacaps Redefined:
Glutacaps Redefined play a vital role in rebuilding and maintaining the structural lining of your digestive tract.
Inflam-Ez Redefined:
Inflam-Ez Redefined works to help support immune function, ease stress, support minor joint discomfort, and provide a variety of other health benefits
Fruits & Greens Redefined:
Veggie and fruit powder superfood formula that flavors and adds variety to your reset shakes without adding sugar.
10-Day Reset Manual:
This is your complete step-by-step guide of what to eat each day, including delicious meals and snacks. (No starving on this reset!). You will receive a beautiful full-colored manual with your supplements!
[BONUS] Real Food Vitamins Shaker Cup ($12.99 value!):
If you join us in this round of our Jumpstart, you get our beautiful 28-oz. Real Food Vitamins shaker cup!
The shaker cup includes a blender ball whisk, ergonomic flip cap and spout, and is BPA and Phthalate free. It is perfect for your morning smoothies during the Jumpstart!
Premium Reset members get everything included in the Basic Reset, PLUS:
Magnesium Redefined:
Magnesium Redefined is critical during the detoxification period because it makes the body more resilient to stress.
Fish Oil Redefined:
Fish oil provides omega 3 fatty acids, which are essentia for reducing inflammation during the detoxification process.
Multicaps Redefined:
Multicaps Redefined plays a critical role in helping the body work more efficiently during the detoxification process.
CoQ10Vive™ (soon to be updated to CoQ10 Redefined)not only supports your cell function, but also keeps energy levels up during your reset.
Nope. Our reset program has the same philosophy as our overall PFC-balanced approach to nutrition here at Cassie.net.
No calorie counting. No restricting.
And it includes plenty of healthy fat—like coconut oil and avocados!—along with protein and carbs. That means all three macros (protein, fat and carbohydrates) in a balanced fashion.
Nope. In this reset, you’ll feel nourished and satisfied—not deprived!
A lot of diets and detoxes succeed in helping you lose weight because they are based on restriction. You know as well as I do the problem with that is when you stop the program, you gain all of the weight you lost back...and more often than not, you pack on extra pounds in the process. (Not to mention frustration!) That’s because restricting your body of what it needs slows down your metabolism, which in turn makes it even more difficult to lose weight the next time around.
The good news? Our program isn’t like that. In fact, quite the opposite. In our balanced reset program, it’s critical that you are fueling your body with the protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals it needs so that it can let go of toxins and the extra pounds.
You won’t be hungry. (And if you are, then you’ll get to eat!)
This can be a difficult concept to grasp since most short-term programs are based on restriction, so we’ll be sure to guide you through this with a step-by-step plan so you know just what to eat, the entire time.
Nope! This is your reset which means YOU are in charge and you get to decide what you will and will not do.
That said, we may recommend reducing coffee and alcohol intake for 10 days in the middle of the month because they can place an extra burden on your body as it tries to reboot. Avoiding them for these 10 days for best results can help you to make the most of your reset. It’s your call, though! The same goes for your favorite foods: if they’re not approved on the recommended foods list, then we’d encourage you to keep them out. However, it’s your reset and, ultimately, it’s up to you.
Yes! The food recommendations in the 10-Day Reset are naturally gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free, and are overall very favorable to those with special dietary needs. The foundation of the program is keeping out any foods you are sensitive or allergic to.
We make it easy to follow our template and offer food recommendations that are in line with your needs and preferences. We encourage you to be creative, think outside the box and make this your own!
It sure can be. We formulated the Detox Redefined Powder to be vegan, and vegetarians will find modifications within the program to follow that include eggs.
If you follow a strictly plant-foods-based or animal-foods-free vegan diet, the Reset program may not be for you because some of the important supplements are from animals (fish oil).
Yes! It is a whole-foods based program with natural supplementation, and is safe for people with diabetes.
That said, if you are under the care of a medical professional, are insulin dependent, or are taking blood sugar regulating medications, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before beginning any new supplements.
You may find that your medications need to be adjusted as your body becomes more efficient at regulating blood sugars on its own, and enlisting the support of your doctor will be important to make changes in your medications.
The balanced way of eating and supplementing that we’ve outlined for you in this program helps with nearly all medical conditions because at the heart of nearly all health issues is inflammation, and this reset program works on healing and getting rid of existing inflammation. That said, it is always a wise idea to consult with your medical doctor before beginning a new program.
We definitely recommend the Premium Reset for best results. The main 5 supplements in the Basic are just the bare bones that you need to see results. Those are the absolute essentials for doing a Jumpstart, but with just those 5, results will definitely take longer.
To see faster, better results from your Reset, we recommend the Premium program. That’s because when you’re able to support more systems of your body, everything gets in balance more quickly, which means more magic can happen (and you'll have better energy throughout the process, too!). If you’re looking for the fastest path to success, get the Premium Reset package!
"The program was so easy to follow, straightforward and supportive!”
“The supplement support was life changing because it controlled my hunger and cravings which made it easy to be successful!”
“Before the program, I felt frumpy, old, and everything ached! During and after, energy was great and it was easy. I loved it!”
- Lysa P. from Minnesota
"I was expecting the typical juice cleanse starving for 10 days, but at no point was I hungry at ALL!”
“I’ve lived with cravings forever, and (during the program), the sugar cravings were totally gone, which I had never had in my entire life — it was incredible!”
“This helped me get on a healthier track because I know what it feels like to be eating clean. I was impressed with it from start to finish.”
- Melissa B. from Montana
I’ll be with you every single step of the way.
I’ll tell you exactly what to eat each day (delicious meals and snacks!) and I’ll make suggestions for how to lay the groundwork in the week and days before you start. :)
I’ve provided every single thing you need to complete this 10-Day Reset program successfully. All you have to do is say “I’m in!” and we’re doing this! As your coach, I encourage you to say YES. Yes to energy, yes to the body you know you deserve, yes to being your best self, and yes to this 10-Day Reset program!
© 2019 Redefined Weight Loss LLC