Are you stuck in the vicious-cycle of sugar addiction?
Get on your way to freedom now!
A message from Cassie:

10 Weeks to Overcoming Sugar and Carb Addiction
For women who are CRAVING true, lasting freedom from being a slave to sugar.
You know it’s bad for you. It’s holding you back. But you eat it anyway. And despite many, many promises, vows, good intentions, and earnest efforts, you keep going back for it. If you are feeling seriously stuck when it comes to cravings, Cravings to Freedom is for you!
Cravings to Freedom is a 10-week life-changing program, designed exclusively to help you break free from sugar, carbohydrate and food cravings for GOOD. It teaches you to identify and address the underlying causes of cravings on a physical, emotional and spiritual level through a proven, comprehensive, step-by-step approach.

What’s included:

10 Weeks of Modules led by Cassie!
$2997 Value
A new module drops every week to keep you moving forward in your journey to freedom. Each module contains 1-2 videos, worksheets and transformational action steps to help you break free!

The Cravings to Freedom Workbook
$1997 Value
Consider this your blueprint and step-by-step guide to your personal revelations and breakthroughs as you work your way through exercises and actions steps to get from Cravings to Freedom!

Meal Plans to Bust Cravings
$47 Value
Specially formulated meal plans designed to keep your blood sugars stable and support the physical aspect of preventing cravings. You won’t feel deprived or restricted—these plans include yummy foods and even desserts! Use as a guide or follow ’em to a “T”— your choice!
Total Value: $5,041
You pay only $799
or two installments of $447
But I don’t crave sugar — I crave crunchy, salty, carb-y foods!
Here’s a hard truth that’s often “sugar-coated:”
“Salty” cravings are sugar cravings. YEP!
If you thought you were off the hook because you crave bags of chips and plates of pasta, keep listening, sister. I got you!

Quick Science Lesson:
All carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body! It’s true. Salt and carb cravings are sugar cravings in disguise.
That’s why in Cravings to Freedom, we address ALL cravings. Sugar, carbs, food, alcohol—You name it. We leave no stone unturned. This is how you gain true freedom and experience sustainable results for LIFE, not only for the 10 weeks we’re together.
By the end of this program, you’ll have all the tools you need to go through life with the newfound freedom you are about to experience. It’s a proven system—it’s worked for me and the thousands of women I’ve coached over the past 12 years.
If you’re serious about breaking free from the bondage of cravings, this is for YOU.
Are your unhealthy cravings out of control?
Are sweet treats or salty snacks ruling your life?
Let’s get real for a sec.
Have you ever lied about your snacking habits?
Do you crave sugar? How about salty, crunchy chips?
Ever find yourself sneaking it?
Eat it really fast because you tell yourself it might not count?
Panicked when you don’t have it?
Have a secret stash hiding somewhere, just in case?
One bite and it spirals?

… but by evening—or even afternoon—all bets are off. You white-knuckle it with all your might, but eventually the will power runs out and you give in. And it’s all downhill from there.

Maybe you’ve made promises to yourself and tried to justify it, but you know deep down girlfriend, that this “sweet tooth” is taking over your mind, your waistline, and precious moments of your life.

Logically, you KNOW these sugary and carb-y indulgences will only sabotage your weight and health (not to mention, your sanity)! They make you feel awful physically and mentally. You know this. You think you should be smarter than this. You think you know what to do but you just don’t do it.
One bite is never enough and before you know it the entire package is gone. Again.
Followed by excessive guilt, shame and feelings of defeat and failure when you fall off the wagon. Back to promising yourself you won’t do it again, only to slip and the cycle starts all over again.

It’s a constant battle and a pattern that you can’t seem to break.
How liberating would it feel to not be a slave to cravings? To not seek or even crave carbs or sugar?
To be in complete control instead of sugar and carbs controlling you?
To be able to eat only when you are hungry—and stop when you are satisfied, despite how amazing the meal or dessert is!?
It can be hard to even imagine a life without thoughts of cravings consuming your life, but I’m here to tell you that freedom happened for me, and thousands of other women, too!

You deserve to live life and be able to enjoy it more with a feeling of peace, instead of being consumed by thoughts of food and sugar…
There’s no shame or judgment here. I get it. For nearly 3 decades I battled the same addictive cycle. I am now a proud, recovered sugar addict. There is hope!
You don’t have to make any more excuses, girlfriend. You have the opportunity and the choice to get empowered and conquer this area of your life, once and for all.

Meet Cassie
Recovered Sugar Addict and Creator of Cravings to Freedom
Featured On

I used to be a slave to my sugar and carb addiction. The second a craving popped into my mind, I wouldn’t be able to do anything else until I gave in.
And I wouldn’t have “just a little” either. “Moderation” wasn’t possible for me. It was always, “I’ll have one more,” on repeat, until the entire bag or package was gone.
Again and again I remained stuck in the vicious cycle of healthy eating all day, only to “give in” and sabotage the days’ worth of progress with my evening sugar fixes. Those soon turned into afternoon fixes and the afternoon crept into the morning. I was in complete bondage to this battle of trying to not shovel down carbs and sugar in as I watched them wreak havoc on my body, mind and life.
Listen, I get it! I felt victim to my cravings, and blamed it on lack of willpower. I had the motivation. I had the knowledge. I had the grit. So WHY did I continue to stay trapped? What was wrong with me?
Truth be told, the thought of giving up my vice actually scared me to death, despite my many attempts to do so. I knew it comforted me and made me feel better when I was anxious or stressed out. Plus, it seemed to make every celebration even more worthy of celebrating! I couldn’t even imagine a life without it. Sugar was my best friend. My safety blanket. My hiding place.

I am humbled to say I am completely free from the influence cravings had over me. I learned how to get to the root of my cravings, stay ahead of them and prevent them from happening—and over the past 14 years, I’ve walked thousands of women through this process and they’ve also experienced the freedom that comes as a result!
I believe I went through the pain and struggle that I did in my battle with cravings and weight so I could bring freedom to women like YOU.
You may know me from my work as a globally-recognized industry leader in weight loss, a Registered Dietitian or the #1 international best-selling author of Why Am I Still Fat?: The Hidden Keys to Unlocking That Stubborn Weight Loss. I’ve shared my experiences and have been featured by major media outlets like CBS, ABC, WCCO, FOX News, CNN, TIME, Parade, Cosmopolitan, SELF, SHAPE, Women’s Health and The Huffington Post.
What I found throughout all these experiences is that it was never really about the thing we think it is… in this case, sugar. To achieve true, lasting transformation, we had to dive much deeper than what we see at face value (the cravings).
Now it’s time to show you how.

“I can tell you with confidence that for the first time in my life, I am not longer a slave to sugar! I don’t even crave it! I crave healthy things for my body. I’m not addicted to sugar, and I’ve already lost 4 pounds!”
– Andrea B. from Texas

“I don’t have to fill the void by seeking sugar or carbs. I don’t do that anymore! If you have any interest in this program at all, do it! There is a reason it is calling your name. It works! You deserve it. Trust the process.”
– Wendy R. from Tennessee

“This has been one of the greatest things I have ever done for myself! I’ve been a serial dieter, a sugar-addict and emotional eater. I went from size 16 to 8. I feel incredible!”
— Sarah E. from North Carolina
What This Course Delivers:

Turn guilt and frustration into freedom and confidence

You don’t have to struggle with sugar any longer!
Cravings to Freedom is for you if:

You’re nervous (perhaps even terrified) to part with sugar. But you realize it’s no longer serving you

Cravings to Freedom is NOT for you if:

When it comes to Cravings to Freedom, here’s what you DON’T need:

Instead, let’s focus on what you DO need to succeed in this program:

What’s included:

10 Weeks of Modules led by Cassie!
$2997 Value
A new module drops every week to keep you moving forward in your journey to freedom. Each module contains 1-2 videos, worksheets and transformational action steps to help you break free!

The Cravings to Freedom Workbook
$1997 Value
Consider this your blueprint and step-by-step guide to your personal revelations and breakthroughs as you work your way through exercises and actions steps to get from Cravings to Freedom!

Meal Plans to Bust Cravings
$47 Value
Specially formulated meal plans designed to keep your blood sugars stable and support the physical aspect of preventing cravings. You won’t feel deprived or restricted—these plans include yummy foods and even desserts! Use as a guide or follow ’em to a “T”— your choice!
Total Value: $5,041
You pay only $799
or two installments of $447
Special Quarantine Pricing!
The value of this program is $5,041.
We’ve had many women pay full price, and say the program was worth the full amount to have the freedom they have now! Right now, due to wanting to help more women during this stressful time in the world which can exacerbate cravings, we’re offering the program for a fraction of the price! The special discount is 85% off!
What’s Included | Your Cost |
10 Weeks of Modules | $2,997 |
Cravings to Freedom Workbook | $1997 |
Meal Plans to Bust Cravings | $47 |
Your Sanity Back! | Priceless! |
Your Control Back! | Priceless! |
Freedom from Cravings! | Priceless! |
Total: | $5,041 Only $799 |
*The special pricing is only open for a short time to help you move forward during this stressful time*

Consider this my PERSONAL invitation to YOU, to welcome you to a life-changing experience.
It’s time. Time to break free. Time to level up. And you know it, right? If you want in and want to be coached LIVE, then don’t miss this debut round of Cravings to Freedom!
Is this a sugar detox? How this program is different?
This isn’t your normal “sugar detox” program. While I do happen to be a dietitian, in Cravings to Freedom we aren’t going to just avoid sugar or eat salads and drink green juice instead. That never worked anyway, did it? Instead, we get to the ROOT of the reason we keep going back to the sugar. Because t’s not completely about the sugar…
Okay, it’s a little bit about the sugar—and that’s why we address the physical cravings. Once we remove the physical craving, it’s easier to not give in… but we’re still left with the emotional, mental and habitual components. You need to understand the real reason you’re reaching for that cookie in the first place. It’s not as simple as being “stressed out” or an “emotional eater”… We are going to identify blocks and overcome barriers you didn’t even know existed or didn’t realize were connected to your cravings.
This experience will open you up to A-ha’s and breakthroughs in your:

This is why Cravings to Freedom will set you up for success for LIFE.

What You’ll Get With This Program
10 Weeks of Modules with video trainings ($2997 Value)
Cravings to Freedom Workbook ($1997 Value)
Cravings to Freedom Meal Plans ($47 Value)
Peace of Mind! ($ Priceless $)
Freedom for Life! ($ Priceless $)
Total Value: $5,041
You pay only $799
or two installments of $447

Cassie, you had me at sugar cravings, but “addiction?” C’mon. It’s just sugar…and sugar is everywhere!
It’s a sneaky addiction because it’s oh-so socially acceptable and it’s everywhere! There are cupcakes at birthday parties AND funerals, after all.
But sugar literally has the same effect on the brain as cocaine, and the withdrawal from sugar can even be WORSE than this powerful drug!
This is serious. One of the signs of an addiction is wanting to change something and not being able to do it. Think about your relationship with sugar. Doesn’t it fit that definition?
And all science aside, it’s your best efforts than landed you here, right?
Why not try something different? Why not get to the root cause?
I wonder if you’ve ever had the experience where, once you indulge, you get caught up in the addictive cycle that feels IMPOSSIBLE to stop once you’re in it. The “hit” you get from the sugar or carbs send signals throughout your body that compel you to reach for more.
So, you do.
One more cookie turns into the entire darn container, and you’re back to that place of feeling guilt and defeat. That’s how addiction works.
You logically know that when you give in, you are going against the goals you have for yourself and cancelling out all the hard work you’ve put in. But you give in anyway.

What if you were able to stop yourself?
What if you were able to get off the roller coaster once it starts — or, better yet — have what it takes to not even get on it in the first place?
What would that be like for you?
Most women have no idea why they do this, or what they even need to make it stop and to break free.
That’s where Cravings to Freedom comes in. 🙂
The EXCITING part about all this is that there’s something you can do about it! You don’t have to live this way. Myself and thousands of our clients who were insanely addicted to sugar and carbs now have complete control over sugar cravings—something we never thought it was possible!!
It’s your turn. All you need to do is take the first step.
You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!
Q: Hallelujah! I need this and can't wait to start! When does the program begin!?
A: YAY! As soon as you sign up! We’ll send you your log-in to where the modules, videos and resources live so that you can get started right away! Once you complete Module 0, you’ll have access to Module 1, and then from there you’ll get one module per week.
Q: I’m terrified to give up sugar!
A: You’re not alone, sister! We feel you and have been there, too. This program is designed to support you on every level, to make it as doable as possible. There’s a specific way in which we walk you through each step. We have to support you physically while doing the work mentally and emotionally to prepare you so you’re strong, ready and willing to end your vicious sugar battle. Take a deep breath— you don’t need to give up sugar when you start this program. The first step is simply being willing to try something new.
Q: What if I struggle with carb-y foods (like chips, bread, pasta) but don’t really have a sweet tooth?
A: You’re in the right place, girlfriend! Carb cravings are sugar cravings in disguise, since all carbohydrates turn to sugar in your body. #NowYouKnow
Q: But Cassie, you don’t understand. MY sugar cravings are more intense than anyone’s. It might not work for ME.
A: Trust me, girlfriend, I DO understand. I’ve heard it all and experienced the lowest lows, highest highs and greatest doubts about breaking free from sugar in my own life. I’ve also helped thousands of women overcome their own sugar battle, and most of them said the same thing and felt the same way you’re feeling right now.
All I have to ask you is, “are you willing to be open-minded?” This is your opportunity to experience the freedom that I have, and the women who have gone before you have. It’s your turn. You don’t have to understand anything or even believe it. All you need to do is take the first step.
Q: How do I know this will help me?
A: I get it—it can be nerve-wracking to step into something when you aren’t sure what it’ll be like. I can tell you that this very process has worked for me and thousands of women with different body types and backgrounds.
You’ve likely done a lot of programs that have failed you. This one won’t because it addresses all the underlying reasons behind cravings with a multi-factorial approach. Sometimes taking that first step of action without knowing all the details is the most important thing you can do. All you have to do right now is say “yes, my ways aren’t working so ready or not, let’s do this.” I’ll take it from there. 🙂
Q: I'm not sure I can carve out the time.
A: When I began this journey, I remember being told, “you need to be willing to go to any length to break free of this.” That meant stretching myself in so many ways—financially, physically, emotionally and by investing precious time. I believe that if you are truly ready to gain freedom from this, you’ll find a way to set aside some time to do the work, and to show up as much as you are able for yourself during this process.
Q: I can’t afford it.
A: Some food for thought: I remember one day I sat down and went through my credit card statements and had an honest look at how much I was spending on my sugar addiction. That number was embarrassing to say the least. I believe that when you make an investment, especially if it’s a step of faith, you’ll be rewarded and freedom will follow. I would also ask you, what is it costing you to stay stuck in this addictive cycle? Not just monetarily, but in every way. If you are truly ready to gain freedom from this battle, I know you will find a way to make this happen.
Q: How much time will this take each week? I'm a busy person!
A: We recommend that you plan for 1-2 hours per week to watch the training videos, and complete the workbook homework. One of the best things is that you can do the entire program from your home, and if you fall behind at all, you can go back and re-watch previous modules at any time, and catch up as you are able.
Q: How long will it take to see results?
A: It’s different for everyone. It depends on where you’re currently at, and how dedicated and willing you are. We go into more depth on this in Module 0.
Overall, I’m confident in saying that in as little as a week or two, you will experience radical shifts in your understanding of yourself and your cravings, your moods, and overall happiness levels. Some people will notice their cravings disappear in that time frame too. For others, it comes as a result of going through the process as designed over the 10 weeks of the program.
Q: Is it worth it if I have sugar cravings or binges occasionally?
Q: How should I prepare before starting the program?
A: Don’t! You may be tempted to start making changes, giving up sugar or having a “last supper” type of spree before diving in, but we’d encourage you to not change anything. That’s what the program is strategically designed to support you with. 🙂
No need to keep trying to muscle through on your own. After all, what you’ve done so far hasn’t worked so well, right? Just take a deep breath and know you are in the right place. Cravings to Freedom is strategically structured and will take you through a carefully designed system for healing your cravings at the root and getting you right on the fast track to get results the quickest way possible. Go ahead and dive right in as soon as you register!
Q: Will I need to purchase special foods or supplements to complete the program?
A: Nope! No special foods (the meal plans included in the program are easy and yummy—yay!) and while there may be a few supplement recommendations in the training videos, none are required, and you can absolutely get results by going through the videos and workbook alone!
Q: Is this program low fat, low carb or low something else?
A: Nope. No calorie counting. No restricting. We are not going to make a list of forbidden sugary foods that you love and condemn you to a life of deprivation! This isn’t about detox, cleanse or restriction.
While Cassie is a Registered Dietitian, and we do include meal plans to help bust sugar cravings, only a fraction of this program is even about the actual food you’re consuming. We are getting to the root cause of your cravings and while food plays a role, it is only part of that.
Q: It's not that I don't trust your program… I don't trust ME.
A: Ah, yes. We’ve heard this before, too. It’s easy to believe that, after having tried so many diets and programs that didn’t work, that YOU are to blame. That you’re broken, flawed, an outlier, a lost cause. But none of that is true. You simply haven’t been supported in the way you needed to experience true freedom from your cravings.
Cravings to Freedom doesn’t depend on willpower or deprivation to work. Quite the opposite. There’s a reason we do things differently around here. The only question left to ask is, How’s what you’re doing working for you? If the answer is anything other than “fantastic,” I sure hope you’ll dive into this program!
Q: What is the cancellation/refund policy?
A: Once you join, there are no cancellations or refunds. You are able to dive into the course content immediately, and you get access for as long as the course is alive!
Q: I'm feeling some anxiety and fear!
A: That’s entirely normal to feel discomfort before transformation! It’s a sign that you’re in the right place. 🙂 Here’s what Steven Pressfield wrote in The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles:
Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember one rule of thumb: the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.
Q: What if I have more questions?
A: We are delighted to answer you! Simply email us at [email protected] and she’ll get you covered, with a cherry on top! 🙂

“I always struggled with cravings and feeling deprived on every diet. This program curbed my cravings and I’ve lost weight! My pants are loose and I’m using a belt again!! And, I have more energy than ever!”
– Wendy G. from Minnesota

– Rachel P. from Minnesota

“This isn’t a diet. This is a redefined way of approaching your cravings and weight. It’s a sustainable solution to weight loss, and a healthy relationship with food, so you can LIVE life instead of diet!”
– Carrie B. from Kentucky

– Jackie S., MD from Pennsylvania

In Cravings to Freedom the weekly trainings, exercises and deep, actionable, revelation-filled homework will empower you with everything you need to finally understand your cravings, where they stem from, why you haven’t been able to overcome them on your own and how to keep them away to gain the freedom you deserve!
Cassie personally walks you through this proven process to your own freedom. She’ll interweave her personal journey and battle with sugar addiction with 13 years of experience helping thousands of women overcome their struggles with food, combining them with science-based research and 12-step recovery principles to help you surrender and uncover your blocks to pave the way to your freedom.
Let’s face it: It can be scary to think of giving up sugar. After all, it may be your best friend! Going through a proven process filled not just with guidance, but light stories and laughter, too, makes it totally doable and way more fun!
In the Cravings to Freedom 10-week program, you’ll use the Cravings to Freedom Workbook as your guide to your personal breakthroughs throughout your journey, along with yummy satisfying meal plans to help you stay on track. We’ll be digging deep with specific exercises that help you get to the root of your cravings, and here, with me, you’ll uncover important information about yourself—including the blocks that have been holding you back—and you’ll acquire new tools to break these barriers, to gain freedom from your cravings so you can live the life you imagined!
Cravings to Freedom is specifically designed to help you work through all areas that need to be addressed in order for you to truly proclaim freedom from your cravings. You’ll be led by a recovered sugar addict who happens to be a Registered Dietitian. 🙂
You’ll get the proven blueprint, practical tools and action steps to work through the underlying reasons for your cravings and where they stem from so you can finally break your pattern. You’ll complete the program with true, sustainable freedom, a peace within yourself that results from a newfound deep understanding of yourself, and empowerment knowing exactly what you can do to stay ahead of your cravings and prevent them from occurring in the first place.
It’s hard to explain the transformation that awaits you. It’s likely difficult for you to even imagine. In my sugar-addicted days I undoubtedly would have been skeptical! It’s okay. You don’t need to understand the process. You just need to be open to experiencing everything that comes with it. If any of this sounds like a stretch for you—perfect! You’re in the right place. 🙂

Sugar and Your Waistline
As you may already know, the sugar and carbs that you can’t stop eating affect your physical body…in more ways than one. Mentally, yes. They consume your thoughts and mess with your mind.
And physically, too. They make you feel awful, and cause weight gain.
In fact, inability to kick sugar and carb cravings is the main reason I see women struggle with their weight. That’s because sugar and carbs are the #1 culprit of inflammation… and the inflammation causes you to keep gaining weight. You can’t lose weight and keep it off without breaking this pattern.

I shouldn’t need a program to give up sugar!
You feel like you should be able to conquer this on your own. It should be simple. Yet, you’ve done plenty of research, and are still stuck. It’s okay. You’ve been relying on willpower, which doesn’t work.
In fact, relying on willpower, self-will and discipline only makes your cravings stronger. Cravings actually have nothing to do with a lack of willpower, and EVERYTHING to do with balancing your brain chemistry and unraveling what’s going on deep inside of you.
In Cravings to Freedom, you’ll be led through a liberating 10-week process of learning how to fight sugar and carb cravings, and stay ahead of them so they don’t even occur. The key is to address the biochemical imbalances and emotional root reasons causing cravings in the first place, so your decision to satisfy your salty or sweet tooth is a choice, not a compulsion. With our proven system, you will be able to kick the cravings and stay consistent (and happy and free) without feeling deprived!

Is it worth it? HELL yes. It’s worth everything.

– Jessica B., RD, LD/N from Florida
Once you break free of the cravings, you realize you’re capable of anything.
The people we’ve worked with kick their cravings, yes — but more importantly, they step into areas of their life, opportunities and experiences that they never thought were possible!
Prepare for a major mindset shift about how you view your body, your mind, your spirit and your life after you experience true freedom, not just from cravings, but in every area of your life.
I created this for YOU—a woman who is ready to step up. All you have to do is sign up, show up and be open-minded. It’s worth it! You’re worth it!
I can’t wait to coach you and support you. We’re in this TOGETHER.
We’ll see you in Cravings to Freedom!

Giving Hope to Women in Need
10% of every purchase, including Cravings to Freedom is donated to a trusted non-profit medical clinic in San Diego supporting new moms throughout their journey from pregnancy to parenthood, where Cassie volunteers her time. We’re committed to making a big impact on society by giving back because we believe feeling good and doing good go hand-in-hand. Thank you for helping in our mission to impact more women!
©2021 Redefined Weight Loss. All Rights Reserved.